People Using Zedo... I need some help


New member
Sep 13, 2007
I just got Zedo, and I am having an incredibly tough time understanding the Indians who are trying to explain how to use it over the phone. They've been really patient and are really knowledgeable, but their accent is just too heavy for me to get what they are saying. So hopefully someone who is experienced with Zedo can help me out here.

I have a few questions - Assuming I am running 2 offers on a LP:

1. When creating an Advertiser, which option do you choose:
Define Actions at Advertiser Level or Define Actions at Campaign Level?

2. I know how to set Zedo up if I were to use one offer and If i were direct linking, but I am a bit confused on what to do If im using 2 offers and using my own LP. What are the different steps I need to do?

If anyone can help walk me through this process and get my campaign set up, I would really appreciate it. Feel free to PM me if you can chat on AIM.

I would email them they reply pretty fast

When you reply cc the email domain also - always seams to someone there
- Define actions at the advertiser level"
- Describe your two actions (offers) in the advertiser screen

- Link each ad to your lander
- Grab "Action Tags" (conversion pixels) from the Campaign tab and have them placed
if you don't mind me asking, what did you pay to get started with zedo? they quoted me 6k/6 months, payment up front, but i've heard you can get better terms