People asking You to link to Your site?

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MFA Fighter
Nov 5, 2006
Well I've been in that position for quite some time now, and it's so funny to read such e-mails from new webmasters.

When will they learn that everyone loves extra traffic, except that weird "" company which sued youtube because they brought them massive amount of useless traffic, lol...

Pile get the fuck out of here! you promote a site that fuckin sucks, I did some checking and I have 3 sites you fucktrads target, screw you, why stand in my way of making a buck? what business is it of yours? ASSHAT! You are a bitches bitch!
Pile get the fuck out of here! you promote a site that fuckin sucks, I did some checking and I have 3 sites you fucktrads target, screw you, why stand in my way of making a buck? what business is it of yours? ASSHAT! You are a bitches bitch!

But on the other hand, can't we use his site to filter out MFAs on our own arbi sites?
I just tell them to go fuck themselves and that if they link to my site, two gentlemen named Vladimir and Vasili are going to be visiting to "discuss" the matter. >:)
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