Pelosi to Aspiring Musicians: Quit Your Job, Taxpayers Will Cover Your Health Care

now we'll see a 90% increase in aspiring country singers and rap artists. (rednecks and thugs.)

all jokes aside, I can see their justification for helping out people who truly need the help, but this is absurd.. now they're ENCOURAGING people to quit their jobs?
This country is going to go into a civil war. Some of you guys might think nah America is chill just the way it is. There's so much backend shit none of us notice that's building plus look at Arizona, BP Spill, Healthcare Bill, and our taxes just rising and rising. RIP USA 2012

and like Dreamache says more country singers and rappers??! WTF like we need more of those pieces of shit. That woman is a stupid cunt period, how has she made it this far in life? fucking retard fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk <-- End Rant !-->
this is already a standard at some places in europe. go to art colleges, thousands of people each year. how many art gallery spaces in a city? less than 100. what happens to the other 95%........?

you wouldn't believe it, but art school directors hold speeches in their college's halls, encouraging students to apply for 'artist welfare' <--- in many eu places, this is an actual welfare category! it pays a low 900ish eur amount per month while enabling heavy subsidizing on living/working space etc. during times when the 'artist' has no work, or is 'gathering inspiration' ... well, some of those guys finish art academy and then 'gather inspiration' during an entire Decade. I shit you not.

shit's crazy. socialism does not and will not work on US soil.
Out of curiosity, does anybody here actually like Pelosi and feel she's doing a good job? I honestly have never met anyone who thinks so. Usually with political figures you get some people singing the praises offset by those frothing at the mouth.. seems to always be the latter with this bit-, er, person.
As retarded as this is, how exactly do you live off of health insurance? How does that pay your rent and buy you food?
Out of curiosity, does anybody here actually like Pelosi and feel she's doing a good job? I honestly have never met anyone who thinks so. Usually with political figures you get some people singing the praises offset by those frothing at the mouth.. seems to always be the latter with this bit-, er, person.

Know anyone who actually "LIKES" any politician anymore (other than Ron Paul People)?

We've turned politics into a "us vs. them" thing and most of us wouldn't even want any given politician over for dinner -- unless we had a lawyer present :)
Out of curiosity, does anybody here actually like Pelosi and feel she's doing a good job? I honestly have never met anyone who thinks so. Usually with political figures you get some people singing the praises offset by those frothing at the mouth.. seems to always be the latter with this bit-, er, person.

She can do and say whatever she wants because in her particular sector in California she always has run uncontested. It's also so liberal in her sector and she gives them so many kickbacks in bills, they continue to vote her in. That's how she keeps getting elected.
I've hated her with a passion ever since she 'volunteered' herself to go to Syria and suck up to Assad over Lebanon several years back, because big bad Bush wouldn't negotiate with that fucker. Stupid fucking bitch.
blogged about it at the time:
Tao Of Defiance Soulless in Damascus.
shame the photo I hotlinked in there of her in a hijab is gone, that shit really got my sweatin'

and bam Top 10 Books Nancy Pelosi Should Read - HUMAN EVENTS
I've hated her with a passion ever since she 'volunteered' herself to go to Syria and suck up to Assad over Lebanon several years back, because big bad Bush wouldn't negotiate with that fucker. Stupid fucking bitch.
blogged about it at the time:
Tao Of Defiance Soulless in Damascus.
shame the photo I hotlinked in there of her in a hijab is gone, that shit really got my sweatin'

er.. so I just upgraded wordpress and it broke the theme.. fuck
i'd hit it.

...just to split it.

and then coconut-milkshake while listening to drake with it.
GOP wickedfire? hehehehe

It's not just Republicans who despise her; if you look up her approval rating, it's something dismal like 13% or something. It makes you wonder how she's stayed in power for so long, but then again she does represent San Francisco.