PDF ebook versus WordPress membership plugin.. what works best?


New member
May 4, 2012
I stumbled across this natural remedy for a common health problem, that apparently a lot of people don't know about. I even tried it myself and it works.

now, I was thinking of creating a short PDF ebook (around 5-10 pages maximum) and selling it for like $10.. but then I thought that I could also set up a WP membership site using a plugin like s2member and sell access to the content live on the site (same price).

From your experience what do you think sells better? Ebook or membership access?

thanks, and may lord Vishnu grant you unlimited amounts of pussy in 2013


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I guess it just depends on how you want to position it. I don't understand why you need a membership plugin? Either way you are just selling "access" to a page with a link for them to download the PDF.

Membership plugin is probably overkill. Can an actual community be built around the health problem? You'd have better luck building a community for diabetes vs. people with seasonal allergies.
If you're going to setup a membership site, I recommend DLGuard. Solid.

10 bucks, bro? Get that shit on clickbank. Min 29.99. 10-15 pages of legit content- another 50 of fluff.

I guess it just depends on how you want to position it. I don't understand why you need a membership plugin? Either way you are just selling "access" to a page with a link for them to download the PDF.

no, if I decide to set it up as a membership site then they would pay and have access to all the content on the site, in HTML. No download required.

I'm just wondering what's the best way to go: "download the PDF for $X" or "become a member and get access to the full content for $X"
DLGuard as the other poster recommended for single ebook.

For membership, get Digital Access Pass (wordpress based) or Amember. Others are pale in comparison.
DLGuard as the other poster recommended for single ebook.

For membership, get Digital Access Pass (wordpress based) or Amember. Others are pale in comparison.

Amember is probably overkill for what you need and it takes time to learn how to customize everything.

You should grab profitstheme. Its a wordpress theme that lets you easily create a membership site and it auto generates membership pages, sales pages, squeeze pages, etc. You can use it with DAP as well.
I was in the same position as you a couple years ago. I created an ebook and wrote a sales letter. Priced it at $27 for just ebook, $37 for ebook+video. I got about 30% sales on the higher priced option.

Most of my sales were from affiliates so you should def go the clickbank route.

With membership VS one time sale you have to ask yourself, does a membership model make sense in this niche? For me it didn't and even against logic I decided to create a whole membership funnel with content etc and tested it. Of course since it didn't make sense conversions fell and refunds went up so I switched back to the original model which worked pretty well.

Here's what you'll see once you're up and running:
- After a couple months if you'll ask your customers you'll get a ton of really detailed and emotional testimonials. I picked out of about a hundred testimonials about 7 that were so honest and emotional I almost cried when I read them and slapped them on my lander. Helps conversions A LOT.
- Create an opt in page for affiliates and send them SEO/PPC/whatever blueprints. You basically want to train your affiliates and give them as much info as possible. Also make a resource page with banners, keywords, ads, articles, emails etc.
- Split testing is god. Always be split testing. Split test headlines, order buttons, bonuses VS no bonuses, designs.
You seem to be offering something evergreen.

With that in mind, the greater the demand for your product, the higher the risk of runaway piracy.

If you expect your customers to be horny young guys or lonely nerds, you can expect a PDF version to be all over the web very quickly. Unless you're selling to the older, more prosperous, and more technophobic set, build your info into a membership site.
ebook to an upsell membership. Run a funnel with those 2 in an AR sequence and you will rock it.