PcP is bad, mmmkay

Hahahahaha that was awesome! Well, until things came to light that is. +rep
I was about to turn it off just before he met the monkey, ending kinda sucked though.
this guy is full of win...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fiH0mfol7mI]YouTube - SICK AS SHIT[/ame]

Notice how he goes to say "she was like sixt.... 32"
damm why the fuck would anyone do pcp or fucking lsd and shit. Gotta stick with the natural shit thats put on the ground for a reason :stonedsmilie: and lmfao! tht was jks
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSw-SLwZvR8]YouTube - skweezyexhaust[/ame]


"He freaks me the fuck out, like I was sitting in his room watching him sleep..."