PC shit is driving me crazy!


New member
Jun 12, 2007
Obama Effigy Replaced by Hillary and Bush | NBC Philadelphia

Reverse racism? Blatent hypocrisy? Rampant progressive racist and hypocrits? Really the PC shit is really driving me fuckin crazy. Why is it necessary to take down the image of Obama but fine to stick the former President and Secretary of State in his place.

Why did a secret service agent visit the booth? I am waking up every day to a country that the progressives and racist are turning on it's head.

Where were the caring progressvies crying racism and disrespect when anti-war activist were parading around with Bush mannequins hanging from sticks.

Where were the secret service harassing the anti-war fucks for hanging mannequins of Bush?

P.S. WTF ever happened to the anti-war crowd anyways??? Obama is killing civilians left and right and I don't hear the idiots calling for Obama to be arrested for war crimes. CINDY! OBAMA IS KILLING WOMEN AND CHILDREN!!!!!!!!!

I live in Canada and a girl I know talked about killing George W. Bush online, as to say "I hope he dies/gets killed/AIDS. The Secret Service visited her...in Canada. I guess after JFK and almost Reagan, they don't take ANY chances.
I live in Canada and a girl I know talked about killing George W. Bush online, as to say "I hope he dies/gets killed/AIDS. The Secret Service visited her...in Canada. I guess after JFK and almost Reagan, they don't take ANY chances.

Course they'd have no jurisdiction unless they could have pinned something terrorist related onto her under Canadian jurisdiction. So most likely scare tactic (or never happened).
Speaking of political games...


Did you ever do anything in your life that had any impact what so ever in the political affairs that 'drive you fucking crazy'?

If not, why are you wasting your time?