PayPal Advice


New member
Sep 2, 2010
Hey guys,

So I am having a little trouble with this travel offer. Looks like payment gateways won't touch it. I thought it was hard to get approved for my poker offer until I dipped into travel. They said it is super high risk. I am just weighing out my options. There is definitely no backing out after dropping $85k to be a member of this club. I just need to figure out options on how to take payment.

Option 1: PayPal
Option 2: Wire Transfer
Option 3: Check

I am just thinking in my customers' shoes. Why would they want to wire transfer, Paypal or send a check to someone they don't know for a few grand? Looks kinda sketchy.

Do you think PayPal is a good method to take payment?

Also, I was just going to put together a lead gen page and drive PPC traffic to it and follow up with those leads. When I go to close the sale I am fucked with no good way to take payments.

Also, here is a look at my competition. Any ideas how I can do it better?

Dominican Villa Vacations

So my questions are:

1. How do I take payments?
2. Should I build a one page CPL offer and follow up with a call OR should I put together a website right off the bat?
3. What are ways you think I can compete with the competition?

1. Have you thought about taking e-checks or bank drafts? They can't charge those back, so no risk.

2. You probably should have figured this out before dumping $85k into this venture.

3. See #2.
Well it was for part pleasure too. So the $85k wasn't just to build an offer out of it. This is just one way I would be able to monetize this when I am not using it.
Agreed with post 2 # 2. But to answer your question; all of the above. Take cash on arrival, paypal, wire transfers, certified bank checks (not personal). If you limit yourself to one payment method, you'll be restricted. Plus paypal sucks ass hairs. From what I hear they report now in 2011 too.
85K? really? really?

I'm pretty sure I know what the product your selling is, or its something really damn similar. I have some experience consulting a guy who sells it, and he was able to get a merchant account for it, there's one merchant account company thats willing to take on the risk with this type of travel club membership. PM me and I'l give you the details
Paypal is pretty standard imho, my landlord requested paypal as a way to make a deposit. I didn't have any issues with that.