Payment processors (Plimus, 2Co, Fastspring...)

Ibanez | Jan

Just posting .gifs
Dec 1, 2009
Yo Dawgs.

Which payment processors do you (as customers AND vendors) like to use for recurring charges? Seems like a lot of people hate on Plimus because of their checkout procedures and late payments.

We're going to sell a subscription based service and are looking for an easy way to collect dem monies.

Input appreciated!

In case you don't give a fuck, I'll throw in a pair of boobs.

Plimus fucked my business overnight.

I was running something totally legit through them with recurring customers who had been with me for over 3 years.

Then one day they decided to change policy and said that my site fell under one of the categories that they wouldn't allow any more and would do a 30 day review and if everything was fine they would release my money.

Problem is that they gave me 24 hours notice and basically said that they were no longer going to bill my clients.

So 24 hours later I had to find a whole new processor and get people who have been subscribing without incidence for years to move over.

To top it off they locked me out of my account completely.

Very nice service! I didn't break any of their terms and wasn't doing anything shady at all.

Fuck Plimus!!!
Thanks for your input man!
So what did you do after you got fucked by Plimus? Did you find a better payment processor or are you now on welfare?

Plimus fucked my business overnight.

I was running something totally legit through them with recurring customers who had been with me for over 3 years.

Then one day they decided to change policy and said that my site fell under one of the categories that they wouldn't allow any more and would do a 30 day review and if everything was fine they would release my money.

Problem is that they gave me 24 hours notice and basically said that they were no longer going to bill my clients.

So 24 hours later I had to find a whole new processor and get people who have been subscribing without incidence for years to move over.

To top it off they locked me out of my account completely.

Very nice service! I didn't break any of their terms and wasn't doing anything shady at all.

Fuck Plimus!!!
I have used plimus for 1.5 year and they were good to me except the late payments (1.5 month of hold) and their recent changes of NOT taking payments via paypal if we don't fill in our paypal under plimus settings. I have moved to plimus in the first place to get rid of fuckin paypal.

I'm with 2co now and they seems cool to me. If your website gets approved by their risk team I suppose you will be good to go. Weekly payments and great fraud check system on every order.
Thanks for your input man!
So what did you do after you got fucked by Plimus? Did you find a better payment processor or are you now on welfare?

I moved as many people as quickly as possible over to Paypal, but that is just short term as Paypal are worse than Plimus. I just didn't have much of a choice in the timeframe I had (24 fucking hours).

I am going to close that business in a month or two now as its just going to continue causing issues for me. And working with Paypal is just not a good option.

Luckily the business was a very hands off, long-term money machine, and losing it wont really effect me as it wasn't a large part of my income, but had it been my main source I would be fucked right now.

I have used plimus for 1.5 year and they were good to me except the late payments (1.5 month of hold) and their recent changes of NOT taking payments via paypal if we don't fill in our paypal under plimus settings. I have moved to plimus in the first place to get rid of fuckin paypal.

And until they decide out of the blue they don't like your business model anymore and then you are fucked.
^ I can understand your pain. When I moved from Plimus to 2co I also had lots of recurring subscriptions with them and then due to new paypal changes everything got messed up. I lost all most of the subscriptions but I insisted some of my buyers to subscribe via new platform.

This new change was horrible and for the same freaking reason I left them.
are you stateside? if so, is awesome. i don't use them for recurring but they're system is excellent.

Nah, we're based in some shitty eurofag country, but I heard pretty good things about Stripe as well.

Thanks for all the feedback guys, keep it coming!