Payment processors for continuity


New member
Jun 10, 2008
Hey looking for a payment processor which allows you to charge small transactions upfront via a checkout like $1.00, and then 30 days later autocharge the persons credit card the agreed instalments e.g. $70 for for 3 months which they have agreed to.

Any suggestions?

im gonna have to agree with production head, id go back and do some serious research before you enter the world of high risk rebills otherwise, you are seriously going to get raped.
Hey looking for a payment processor which allows you to charge small transactions upfront via a checkout like $1.00, and then 30 days later autocharge the persons credit card the agreed instalments e.g. $70 for for 3 months which they have agreed to.

Any suggestions?

I've never heard of this business model before. Please explain further!?!?!?!
Newsflash, all services that use that billing model are seen as "scammy" by the people getting billed

Bullshit, not how i'm playing it.

Its complete risk reversal for the client.

Places alot more risk on me to deliver a good service.
Paypal does that easily and cheaply. It also makes it easy for the customer to cancel the trial - if you want that to be easy. Many services use opt-out trials without dramas and that's not the issue customers have.

Rebills become a problem when the customer doesn't know it's coming; the product doesn't get delivered during the trial period; no one answers the phone when they try and cancel.
I can hook you up with a merchant account for your continuity offer. You can contact me on AIM (madstylezzz)