Payday Loan Niche

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paper clique fiend
Mar 8, 2007
Tulsa, OK
I know at least a few of you are heavily involved in the Payday loan niche.

I'm pretty sure I just landed a job at a Payday loan store here locally. Could this be of benefit to any of you that are involved in this niche?

You can build a quick payday loan site with your affiliate form on it and just tell the customers about the site and tell them how its better and quicker to do it online (at your site) next time they need a payday loan. Also name the site something simple like, that domain name is available.
I know at least a few of you are heavily involved in the Payday loan niche.

I'm pretty sure I just landed a job at a Payday loan store here locally. Could this be of benefit to any of you that are involved in this niche?

You make it sound like such an accomplishment when you say you LANDED a job at pay day loan store.
Hell, I'd go the other way and ask your boss if you can invest some of your IM earnings into his capital pool. Payday loan returns FTW even after the default rate is considered.

You make it sound like such an accomplishment when you say you LANDED a job at pay day loan store.

Being a college graduate and having trouble finding a decent job the last three months I feel like its an accomplishment (even though its not a big one). I also figured it might help out my IM ventures as well.
Thank god for bullet proof glass
You get to live another day
You can build a quick payday loan site with your affiliate form on it and just tell the customers about the site and tell them how its better and quicker to do it online (at your site) next time they need a payday loan. Also name the site something simple like, that domain name is available.

Probably the best idea, though as soon as they figure out what you are doing, you are going to lose your job..
You could probably benefit yourself by gaining inside and expert knowledge on the topic.
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