Patent Trolling


New member
Apr 29, 2010
Spangenberg estimates that he currently owns about 65 patents and typically has eight or nine lawsuits going at any given time.
When most companies are sued by patent trolls, they settle out of court. Others will fight back, as Hyundai recently did. They lost to the tune of $34 million.
This guy took Hyundai for $34million and he's settled with so many others its ridiculous.

Patents are the single largest menace to the U.S tech sector.

All they did was take the word monopoly and add some positive connotations.

To expand on this, they should completely do away with software patents and business process patents.

The only exception, is cryptography. The patent on RSA is completely justified in my books.
+1 for #winning. Srsly.

Anyone got any information for looking into this? Whats a ballpark figure for buying a patent from a failing company? Is it just the American legal system which allows for such rapeage or can this be replicated in AUS/CAD/UK?

I know nothing of this, and will likely obviously never go into it but I'd love to know more about it.
Hate the game, not the player.

The only reason this shit works is that the patent institution was ruined for the very benefit of the people he is currently screwing. If this shit only gets reformed because people figure out what scumbags can do with it, then all the power (and money) to him.