Password Managers WTF!


New member
Dec 22, 2010
I've spent ages trying to figure out what is best but all of them seem to have downsides, and with the whole PSN and LastPass compromise thing, I'm not really sure what to choose and what method is safe.

Some password managers store the info on their servers so there is always a risk but I've tried KeePass, 1password and LastPass and so far 1password seems to be best.

I use a Windows 7 laptop and an Android mobile so what do you guys use/recommend?

Le commence boobies...







Compromise what? What are you looking for the password manager to do? You'll need to be specific, as obviously you are looking for a specific purpose(s) from the manager since you've tried so many.

I personally have found (for windows) great. Once you fiddle around with the auto type and window settings if a URL isn't triggering it. Or the alternate version for linux since they are both based off the same open-source project.

Oh, and some nice ladies. Water on skin images FTW.
Compromise what? What are you looking for the password manager to do? You'll need to be specific, as obviously you are looking for a specific purpose(s) from the manager since you've tried so many.

I personally have found (for windows) great. Once you fiddle around with the auto type and window settings if a URL isn't triggering it. Or the alternate version for linux since they are both based off the same open-source project.

Oh, and some nice ladies. Water on skin images FTW.
Well LastPass said they were recently compromised and they were telling people to change their master passwords which isn't really a good sign.

Anyway, what I'm looking for is something that is secure and both online and offline so I have my data backed up and safe with me aswell. Something that will integrate with all major browsers, auto-fill and login and also generate new secure passwords for new sites.

I'll do some further testing and comparing and look more into KeePass too. Thanks :)
Roboform FTW. Don't use any bullshit that stores your passwords in the cloud. Not worth it. If you need mobility you can carry your Roboform data on a thumb drive or something (all encrypted by your master password of course)
I use 1password on my mac, all passwords are stored locally so no one can swipe them without my laptop. Then they need to get past the master password. It seems like a good solution to me.
I use 1password on my Mac and used to use RoboForm on Windows, which has a better password generator than 1password, although when you use 12-20 char passwords with everything it's hard to imagine one being that much better than the other.

I now prefer 1password overall, but when I first moved over I preferred Roboform.

I actually don't know how anyone survives without a password manager. I'm nearly at 500 saved logins in 1p and I know people who have several times that number.

I thought everyone just used 'password' like I do.

What is this? 1992? Everyone knows the new super strong password of choice is P455w0rd.
Lastpass and Keepass+usb/dropbox. Keepass is way better on your phone than Lastpass, Keepass also seems to work better with multiple accounts on the same site. But I still like using Lastpass for the non critical stuff.

I've had some issues with Lastpass syncing stuff on different browsers oddly too, but for the most part, it's been a great pw manager (just make sure your master pw is strong and you will be fine). I wouldn't put anything serious in it though just in case. LP seems like they were being very proactive and cautious about their little incident which is good and the other tech news blogs kind of grabbed it and blew the whole thing out of proportion.
> But I still like using Lastpass for the non critical stuff

Yep. If it's got a control panel and/or my credit card details and/or my identity, it goes into KeePass. Everything else more-or-less goes into LastPass. For the first time ever all my logins have unique, very strong, random passwords, and I use a ton of usernames too. Before LastPass I used the same nick and three password variations for everything - not too good.

It's great to be able to seamlessly log in to everything I've ever signed up for or built, and not too much damage can be done by the Russian Mafia if they ever manage to decode any of my LastPass data.
I used Keypass for years, but now I have a simple mental algorithm I use to generate passwords with.

Not sure how the PSN thing has compromised your password storage solution, though. You can't help it if a company decides to save your password in plain text in their database. But you can ensure that you use that password nowhere else.
Thanks for all teh suggestions guise.

I've decided to go with 1Password since it's got all the features I need and much more user-friendly than it's competitors.