Paris Bombings?

there are already ignorant fucks on college campuses trying to censor discussion of these attacks as they are a detriment to students' "safe space" by allegedly encouraging islamaphobia..
there are already ignorant fucks on college campuses trying to censor discussion of these attacks as they are a detriment to students' "safe space" by allegedly encouraging islamaphobia..

It's the same reason why you won't see MSM talking about hostages who were released saying shooters were screaming allah akbar as well.
I call False Flag terrorism

Problem Reaction Solution




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lol only like 5 answers. Jesus this forum is dead. A few years ago we'd already be at page 10 for such a hot topic.

I come back every day out of habit hoping for something... anything... I hope the grass is greener on the committed to success side.
How'd those gun rights help on Sep 11, or at Boston?

You're an idiot. Guns can't help in every situation, e.g., bombing or nuclear explosion. However, if the pilots or passengers had guns, the outcome of 9/11 could have been different.

How did the lack of guns help at the Lindt Cafe where there were actual gunmen?
How did the lack of guns help at the Lindt Cafe where there were actual gunmen?

There was only one gunman and he was using a 60 year old shotgun with 15 year old shotgun cartridges, god knows where he found that old thing but it does show it is pretty hard to go and find a weapon here in Australia.
There was only one gunman and he was using a 60 year old shotgun with 15 year old shotgun cartridges, god knows where he found that old thing but it does show it is pretty hard to go and find a weapon here in Australia.

Thank God there are about 300 million guns in the US. Can you at least own personal flamethrowers in Australia?


'Murica, fuck ya!
no matter what you think of Trump, this still sounds like a good idea...


Trump said, “What I like, is build a safe zone in Syria. Build a big, beautiful safe zone, and you have whatever it is so people can live, and they’ll be happier.”
He added, “So You keep ’em in Syria. You build a tremendous safe zone, it’ll cost you tremendously much less, much less, and they’ll be there and the weather’s the same. And the weather is the same and then when this horrible situation that is so horrible run. We don’t know what we are doing. When its all over they move back and they go back into their cities, and they rebuild their cities. And they start out and they start over again.”