Paralysed within 2 hours


New member
Feb 17, 2009
A gifted young horsewoman has been paralysed from the neck down after a rare spinal disease ravaged her body in just two hours.
Abby Rout, 20, was enjoying a night out with friends when she suddenly lost feeling in her hands and legs.
Friends took her to hospital, but two hours later Miss Rout had lost all feeling below her neck.
Horse rider paralysed by rare spinal disease that ravaged her body in just TWO HOURS | Mail Online

pretty much the same thing happened to me 2 years ago, only i never lost use of my arms. its amazing how you can be lucky within being terribly unlucky. probably should have sold my story too :338:

Yeah, a girlfriend of mine got someting similar. She was just walking up some stairs and collapsed.. no warning at all. By time they got her to hospital, she was paralysed from neck down. She was like that for 3-4 mths before she started to recover. 3 yrs later she's still weak, but has full use of all her limbs...she was only 22 at the time.
what was the result of your situation?

well i was properly paralysed for about 3 weeks, after that its as if everything started to get switched on again and saw improvements day by day. it took about 4 months to get out of hospital, which is quite a shitty place to be, but i walked out using a walking stick. had a few things go really wrong since then, but right now i'm getting back to walking totally unaided. distance and endurance are what i am working towards now, just kind of getting back into life again.
well i was properly paralysed for about 3 weeks, after that its as if everything started to get switched on again and saw improvements day by day. it took about 4 months to get out of hospital, which is quite a shitty place to be, but i walked out using a walking stick. had a few things go really wrong since then, but right now i'm getting back to walking totally unaided. distance and endurance are what i am working towards now, just kind of getting back into life again.

That's pretty horrible. Good luck with everything.