Paid threads being LOCKED!?


New member
Dec 7, 2011
This is the second time I've had to request that our PAID thread be unlocked, however in this instance we have received no response.

It appears a large number of threads in Design & Dev are being put into lockdown for no clear reason:

Design & Development - WickedFire - Affiliate Marketing Forum - Internet Marketing Webmaster SEO Forum

I'd like to ask again (and this time, publically) that our thread be unlocked:

We aren't working until the 5th Jan however we need the thread to remain open for enquiries and feedback.

Please can a mod unlock and keep it unlocked.



I didn't.

There's nothing noted in the sticky about a 10 day rule, I have a post 14 days distance apart from the OP and there is no option to reopen so I'm even more confused by the system.
You have to make a new one

I feared that might be the case.

All reviews therefore would be lost unless they are cut and pasted manually. Not only is that a pain, that's going to detract from reviews looking legit too.

It's not even posssible to edit a post to cut and paste forum code to start a new thread.
I know this thread is old, however, I thought I'd share something that should be obvious to anyone who creates a BST thread...

While it is a pain in the ass to have to create a new thread every 10 days, my sales haven't been affected or anything...

Link to your old threads in your new thread, and then your good to go... That way, new people know that you are an established seller and won't question your services...

And a tip for manually inserting old reviews and shit, you can either:

1. Create a .txt file with the BB code and put all of your reviews in there (formatted in BB code), and just add new reviews each time someone does one, save the file, and just copy and paste it into your thread each time you make one.

2. Take screenshots of all your reviews, and make one big ass image. This is probably the best thing to do, but most time consuming. I believe you are limited to 10k characters per post, so by making all of your reviews one big image, you knock off a good chunk of characters being used, which means more space to outline what your service offers. Just make sure you make the images small enough, so you don't have to scroll left or right when viewing the thread... I can't stand that...

On the same note, however, don't go crazy posting every single review. There is nothing I can't stand more then having to scroll through 10,000 reviews before I get to see what you are offering.
Still nothing has been done. It is my only pet hate about this forum, fix this one thing and you will make a lot of members happy.

Creating a new thread every 15 days is the worst setup ever. You just end up with a heap of short threads that are basically the same. Making things less organised.. when usually one strives to achieve the exact opposite.

Are we going to get a solution to this any time soon? mods, admins?
Been waiting for a while to put up a bst thread. Seeing as how theres been no change over the last month, might as well go through with it. I provide services on the "other" WF. Solid and trusted provider there, dunno if that means much here. Can anyone tell me if it's against forum rules to link to my "other" WF reviews as I will be a new provider here. Any insight would be helpful as I have found nothing saying I can't do this, but don't want to break any forum rules here.