pagerank question

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New member
Nov 27, 2006
i have this domain which I haven't done anything with since i registered it, except forward it to some site (not mine). as far as i can remember the forward was done with php; i'm not too sure though. anyhow, to my surprise yesterday i found out the domain has a PR4! after looking at the links reported in google, not one was to my domain. the '' report shows the exact same links for both sites.

i'm really surprised by this.. anyone have an explanation? i tried researching it but couldn't come up with anything.

thanks :)

If you forwarded your domain 'A' to domain 'B', Google is thinking of your domain 'A' to be domain 'B' only. So, it shows the same links for both sites.

When you will see the cache of 'A' in google, it will show you the cache of 'B'. I hope it explains!
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