P3P policy for better tracking, anyone have any experience?


New member
Jul 20, 2009
I was doing some reading about cookies being blocked/lost within nested iframes and I found this info:

P3P - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Apparently I can implement a P3P policy at my site and then a user's browser will trust my site more?

ie. if my tracking pixel that is three iframes deep on a merchant's site has a good P3P policy the user's browser will load it and log my conversion where-as without the P3P policy some browsers (apparently with "medium" or higher security setting) won't allow the iframe access and it looks like the tracking isn't working.

I don't know if I am way off here but I am just trying to think of things that could be affecting how my tracking system sees requests made to it. (ie. if a network says the pixel is implemented but I don't see it firing but they swear it is firing on their side, then what the hell is going on? :))

If you're running your own tracking pixel script & don't have a P3P policy, your pixel won't work at all - it's not abut a browser trusting your site "more" or "less", it's about cookies working at all. Cross-domain cookies without P3P won't work in many browsers.
You just need to fire a P3P header on the drop (and maybe pickup) of the cookie. Then it will work in nested iframes... pretty easy work around.