p202 stopped tracking

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New member
Mar 12, 2009
This started yesterday and has continued today. Yesterday, Adwords shows 29 clicks and p202 shows 20. Today adwords has 10, p202 shows 2. I kept the number of clicks low so that I dont throw away money. Anyone ever had this happen? I havent changed anything and have not been sending a lot of clicks so its definitely not from too much traffic.

I tried going to my lp directly and that shows up in p202. Could this be an adwords issue?

I have a p202 install with a ton of clicks in the DB (built up over a few months) that acts funny, I'm assuming because the DB is so large. Try routing the new traffic thru a fresh p202 install and see what happens.
Phil - this is a fairly new install (less than 2000 clicks). I dont think its the install because it is recording when I visit the lp directly.

It's me. I'm clicking your ads with a stealth bot. Sorry dude.

Youre not but that dumbass Chris Carpenter and his gcdective is.
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