P202 Redirects Based On User Agent

if the operating system is a Mac - redirect to X
if the browser is Chrome - redirect to Y
if the browser is Firefox and operating system is Linux - redirect to Z

stuff like that.

How would you do it in .htaccess? Is there a better way to just mod the p202 files? I would rather not add another link to the mix.
Any idea? This would be pretty valuable for toolbar offers that don't accept Mac or a certain operating system and you could monetize the traffic with another offer. Anyone out there want to help out? This could benefit us all.
I think you could get some coder to mod p202 with new tab for redirecting based on user agents or just have him add new option on step #7 when you get the links
I use to redirect different browsers for the IAC / Mindspark offers. Except my script wasn't directly integrate into P202. It was stand-alone, I used it after the landing page and then redirected to different P202 links. Tracked perfectly and showed me exact conversions on different browsers.
I can post how to do it here with a separate file and help out the community...but it still won't be integrated into p202 like how I want it.

Just save the below code as redirect.php or something and fill in what you want

if ( stristr ( $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Firefox' ) )
            header('location: http://www.google.com');
else if( stristr ( $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Opera' ) )       
            header('location: http://www.msn.com');
else if( stristr ( $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Safari' ) )       
            header('location: http://www.wickedfire.com');
            header('location: http://www.cnn.com');