P202 link not tracking correctly


New member
May 28, 2009
I am setting up a new campaign with an EWA offer. The EWA offer link works correctly - I can paste it directly into a browser and it re-directs appropriately and shows a click in my EWA stats.

Obviously this isn't an EWA problem. Their stuff is solid.

I have a new campaign set up in P202 with that same link and naturally I'm cloaking it. When I paste the re-direct link into a browser everything re-directs correctly from P202 to the offer - but I do not see clicks in my stats for EWA.

All my other stuff seems fine - so obviously I am missing something.

I've tried re-building everything and I've doubled checked everything I can think of - but I'm still relatively new to P202 so I thought I'd ask.

Thanks in advance...

Who are you hosting with? Also realize 202 is buggy as shit, which is why I try to direct link as much as possible. Let me know if you're on hostgator, I rewrote some of the files to fix some of the incompatibility between HG and 202 and can send you the package if you want.
same problem here, its a giant pain in the ass, i dont know if scripts on the landing page are conflicting or what?? and have this happen on multiple campaings, i think p202 is on its way out soon...
Are you not seeing the clicks in EWA stats or your Prosper stats?

If you're not seeing the clicks in your prosper stats it's because you're seeing the default setting of showing only "real clicks". Set it to see "all clicks" and you'll see yours.

If you're not seeing the clicks showing up in EWA stats, it sometimes takes a while to show. They even count non-unique clicks so it should show eventually but if not then I don't know, contact someone at EWA.
I'm not seeing the click in EWA stats.

I put up a very simple PHP redirect for the link and that isn't tracking clicks either so the problem isn't P202. There's something about the redirect that's making it not be counted.

Here's my super basic PHP redirect:

header( 'Location: hxxp://MyAffLink' ) ;
I'm not seeing the click in EWA stats.

I put up a very simple PHP redirect for the link and that isn't tracking clicks either so the problem isn't P202. There's something about the redirect that's making it not be counted.

Here's my super basic PHP redirect:

header( 'Location: hxxp://MyAffLink' ) ;
In #6 Get LP Code... Prosper gives you the correct code to do the PHP redirect. It will look like this:

  // ------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  // Tracking202 PHP Redirection, created on Wed Apr, 2010
  // This PHP code is to be used for the following landing page.             
  // http://www.blahblahu.org
  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
  if (isset($_COOKIE['tracking202outbound'])) {
	$tracking202outbound = $_COOKIE['tracking202outbound'];     
  } else {
	$tracking202outbound = 'http://blahblah.com/tracking202/redirect/lp.php?lpip=922';   
  header('location: '.$tracking202outbound);
how long are you waiting to see the clicks? minutes?

also doesn't linktrust have some sort of duping/unique thing? have you hit it from a proxy?

have you called/emailed EWA?
In #6 Get LP Code... Prosper gives you the correct code to do the PHP redirect. It will look like this:

Thanks - no LP for this - just direct linking some basic dating offers.

LP code is still working last I checked. In any case - I think I got it figured out. I think the sub_id's were messed up.
If you don't set up the sub_id properly, then it often attaches the sub_id to either your AFF ID or the Campaign ID. If it attaches to the AFF ID then it will take you to the offer but wont credit you.

Prosper wants you to insert a link ending in "sub_id=", make sure to do that.