Overwhelmed with a bag full of tools


New member
Nov 9, 2010
So I've found myself with an interesting opportunity... My brother was fairly in to internet marketing and I know he would spend a fair bit of time doing it and would chat with me a little bit about it. He did mostly SEO.
He just got a job offer out of country, and sold off all of his sites that were making money to help him with the move.
Before he left, he gave all of his software and the undeveloped sites and domains to me.

I've spent the past month or so basically doing my homework on internet marketing, figuring out what I have, what purpose they serve and more or less how they fit in to the grand scheme of SEO.

I really want to take advantage of what he's given me as I'm unemployed and can commit a lot of time to this. So now, my biggest question and the thing that is most daunting to me is creating a workflow.

He's given me roughly 70 domains. Some are auto blogs, some are ClickBank sites, some are half assed mini sites, some are just domains.
He also gave me Xrumer, Senuke (I've paid to keep that one going), ScrapeBox, LinkFarmEvolution, MegaPinger, TheBestSpinner and InstantArticleFactory and UBot.

Now, I'm quite overwhelmed to say the least. I've messed around with all of the software and watched some tutorial videos on a few as well.

Now with all that, comes my question. How do you organize all this? I've never been an organized person and keeping track of where 70 websites are, what needs content, what needs to be spun what needs profile links or what websites need social bookmarking..etc. All while keeping track of analytics and rankings.

I don't really know what my next steps should be here.

He told me to bring boobs as a peace offering:


As he told you to come here, what was his handle for WF?

I have no idea. He just said WickedFire was a good resource and that I should check it out. Which it has definitely proved to be while lurking. It just seems now I have a bunch of parts to a machine, and a lot of possibilities to use it.

Are most people just using excel or something like that to keep track of, and prioritize their personal workflow?
I have no idea. He just said WickedFire was a good resource and that I should check it out. Which it has definitely proved to be while lurking. It just seems now I have a bunch of parts to a machine, and a lot of possibilities to use it.

Are most people just using excel or something like that to keep track of, and prioritize their personal workflow?

Hit me on AIM
The Gods Need Some More Offerings.

Try setting up your domains one step at a time. First list them out with their current rankings and how much revenue they are earning. Create content categorically and update each one step at a time. Do not spend too much time on updating as your prime focus should be to just update the domains if they are old. Next, see if there has been any change in a week. During that time, you can build up your database to find out what you are lacking and where you need to work more. Now, see if all your sites are showing a difference on alexa or something. Move over to then find if all your domains are monetized. You will need an Adsense account now so sign up before you start categorizing. Adsense takes a while to get approved. Once you are approved, check to see if your sites are selling affiliates. If not, you may want to check with CJ or someplaces to make it happen. Then move over to FireFox. Get all the SEO Tools you need. RankChecker is something you should have about now. Create systematic keyword groups for your domains and update them. Once all this is done, start building backlinks by any means necessary and work on atleast 10 sites a day. In a week, you will be covering them all. Keep doing so till you see rankings change. You can hire peepz from here to get some work done for you. That depends on your budget. If you have hard nuts to crack, start advertising on google sponsored links. If you need content, PM me. If you need backlinks, check out the BST section here at WF. I need boobs now.
If it was me I would do a few things to start.

1. I would go ahead and drop nuke for now, you have plenty of tools that do not have a monthly cost and since you are not working cash flow is important. You can always pick it back up later once you get organized and think you need it.

2. I would split the 70 sites up into similar groups by what you think they need. Group A for sites that seem complete and just need links, Group B that needs more content etc.

3. Start with the group that needs links. It is a fairly easy thing to get a handle on and once you do then you can put that group on semi auto pilot and move to the next group.

4. The second group you choose should be the one that you think you can get completed and ready for link building the easiest. Maybe a group that just needs more content? It really depends on what you are the most comfortable with. Once that group it fairly complete move it into the link building group. By now you should have a good handle on what you need to be doing for your link building.

5. Attack the next easiest group and repeat until you have gone through all of them.

6. Start going over your sites and see what kinds of tweaks each of them need to be more successful or maybe cull the ones that do not look like they are going to work out.

Grouping the sites together by need and attacking each separately will be much easier than trying to figure out what to do with 70 different sites. Hitting the easy ones first will allow you to get some income coming in while you figure out how to get a handle on the harder ones.
I would suggest doing some major cleaning up on those sites. If what you say is correct, your brother sold all his successful sites and gave you the crap left over.

Not being negative (that list of tools is impressive enough) but do take a good look at what you have, and if possible find out why a site was not sold. If it was just too new, hadnt been finished etc, it might be worth looking into, but some are bound to be failures.

Where are they all hosted (thats going to be another ongoing cost) - if they are across a large range of IPs you might be better turning the obvious failures into your own private blog network, if they already have PR.

Multiple IP with PR blog networks are great resources to have (and easy to manage if you already have LFE)- giving you a good base for your own SEO projects, plus you can cover your monthly costs fairly easily selling posts.
Once again this is only for obvious failures, dont go turning a potential goldmine into a blog network, but dont waste your money hosting useless sites.

Also with regard to those tools, i would also suggest dropping SENuke for the time being. All those tools are great for scaling successful techniques, but conversely will help you shaft yourself in no time if you dont know what you are doing.
Got to agree with l3msip.

Do more research about the niches you are into. Your brother apparently sold off all the worthwhile sites. Keep the ones that really have potential to make you good money, and sell off/forget about other ones.

I'd suggest trimming down to not more than 5 sites, perhaps only 2 - 3 of them.

You got various tools. There are various case studies about xrumer, lfe, scrapebox, etc. So you should know how to search here and elsewhere. Go for keywords like 'toolname case study', 'best way to use xxxxx', etc. Pretty obvious stuff..

Do your own experimenting. Head on to BST section here & other link development forums / blogs to learn how to build effective links. Not only you can hire at BST, but also learn what services are popular, and those probably work well that's why they are popular.

You may also decide to offer some services for a while. Just some suggestions, hope you work out your strategy soon.
Thanks again for all the input.
I've gone through all the sites, some are in shitty niches, some are pretty good. They all need some work, and more content. I'm planning using all of the sites/domains I have (why not, right?) I've pulled out 10 sites to focus on. I'm in the process of getting some new unique articles on all of them and setting an autoblog on them as well.

The first 10 are all on WordPress and focused around an affiliate product. The unique content is going on keyword targeted pages. I have set them up to show a static home page with unique content, and the autoblog is doing its thing through its own page.

In between writing content, and setting up autoblogs I've got the automation going.
RSS feeds are being submitted and unique articles/content is going up on article directories and web 2.0 sites. I've set up profiles to be created on SENuke while I sleep to pepper on everything.

I'm monetizing them currently with aff network products, BidVertiser, AdBrite and Prosperant. I can't use Adsense. (My first and last attempt at making any kind of money from the interent was running some arbitrage in 2001 and I was ultimately banned from AdSense. I considered that my queue and left the make monies online arena.)

I'm using RescueTime and the Pomodoro technique to keep myself on task. I shot down to GNC yesterday and picked up some Jack3d to keep focused, and am using some cannabis to stay entertained during monotonous tasks. Surprisingly effective for me, I guess it's kind of like the next generation hippy speed ball.

Great thread, thanks for all those who added. The only thing I can uniquely add is making sure to have tasks running concurrently if possible. Put those tools to work.