Overwhelmed Newbie

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New member
Sep 19, 2006
:eek7: Sup everyone, still just the first day here at wickedfire. Here's my history. I've studied CS (understand basic programming), did a little FFA, bs marketing back in the late 90's when I was a kid, didnt understand shit, had some bosses talk about their success in the early 2--, went broke just recently, and have aggressively been researching and diving into affiliate marketing for the past week. I have produced 5 Clickbank sales for a little over $100 in the past week, but have spent over $600 in informational products, ad fees, etc.., not to mention a little over a week's worth of time, Im on this thing at least 15 hours a day!!!!! My mind is overloaded, but I do take breaks with the gf, etc....
I have 3 concerns/questions, if anyone can help, it would be most appreciated....:

1) My first ad campaign produced very good CTR on adwords with about 4-7% click through, I had around 80,000 impressions thus far with over 3500 clicks. This all amounted to only one measly sale! I was disappointed! Is my link being stolen, bad product? which i dont think was the case?

2) What is the best way to choose products (highest converting, less competition)

3) What is the best advertising, highest conversion method for these products, Im working google adwords (very little success) and free classifieds, what is the best classifieds site? My ads are beautiful, just too much competition?

Any guidance will help. I have all the time, just no money! Help me someone! Thanks everyone!


You might want to start with new offers that arent being as actively promoted yet as you will find less competition and this will allow you a little more room to work out what needs to be done without as much comeptition. You may also want to start with some easier offers that only require you to get an email address or something instead of starting with offers that require a sale. The best advice I can give is to start with something easy and work up from there. You may not make much money but at first your goal should be to breakeven while learning the ropes.
get away from clickbank! that is first! second, slow down, control your spending. see if you can cut your average cost per click in half or more. what type of ads are you writing? are you being general or very specific? also are you targetting keywords that are specific to your product or very general? you will have better luck if you write an ad that puts price or something in the ad, this will eliminate some of the shoppers and will "pre qualify" your clicks. are you using words like laptop or are you using keywords like dell whatsis name model 1111. the laptop keyword gets more searches but they are mostly buyers. this would not be that bad if you are doing arbi and had a good site. for aff you want to be as specific as possible.
I'm having a simlar problem. Just keep trying I guess. I'm gonna keep going until my AdWords campaign runs out of money then work on something else or build off what I've been doing (hopefully :p)
I am trying some new things since hanging out at Wickedfire. I think the key is to slow down, don't spend a lot of cash and see what works.

Arbi is fun. But I am really starting to see the value in old-school content driven sites. i think it depends on your personality. Different things are going to work for different people.

And yeah, I am also starting to have my doubts about Clickbank.
research more before you spend so much, some advice I received when starting out

“Start off slowly and read a lot – don’t spend to much money – take it easy and spend a lot of time researching the product you want to promote – also stay away for cpc networks like google until you understand what you are doing.”

youve only been in this game for a week.. sure you want to make dollars but theres plenty time for that.. build up knowledge and research the market for your product

the net aint going anywhere
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