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And you can too!
May 25, 2007
Denver, CO
Just saw this over on Digg or somehere:

Magical Bulletins - Home

This autistic guy has been running a forum like a blog. Registration is locked down so only he can post, and he writes from a couple different perspectives.

A couple of gems:

During August to October 2003, I did the unthinkable when I aggressively attacked Vegetto's Domain forums (Jeffers' board -- don't ask why I spammed it) and then betrayed all my old DBZ Planet forum friends (while I'm in disguise). When Jeffers came back to find out that I left a huge mess of spam at his board, he got rid of me and reported the attack to The Mobius Forum.
This was the time that I became the most feared forum attacker to ever continue my series of Hostile Takeovers. The year 2003 at the end became the worst year of all time.
It's too bad that life sucks nowadays because of George W. Bush's STUPID POLITICS and everybody in America going too strict against me!
I can't do anything for a free world anymore, and when Bush became USA president in 2001, "Freedom of Speech" has died.
The 90's was a free world, but nowadays this is a strict world since 2001 because too many bastards TAKE EVERYTHING TOO SERIOUSLY!!
gently caress you REPUBLICANS!!!!
And here's a thread where he continually delays a wedding between two of the posters: Magical Bulletins - Joy of SEX Sells MECHA MONEY

I think this guy could make bank as a paid forum poster.

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