Outsourcing the Programming of Sites

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I need a life
Jul 31, 2006
Hey guys,

i recently got an idea for an affiliate geared site, but i REALLY suck at programming.. i literally dont know how to program. I was wondering if you guys have any suggestions on who I can possibly outsource it to.(companies or specific programmers)

Furthermore, is it okay to outsource? Will the outsourcee steal your idea or include in the programs ways for him to steal my profit? how much to charge and blah blah blah.

thanks guys,

There is always the risk that the person you decide to outsource it too will not only steal your idea, but won't even deliver on the script you asked for. I'm not entirely sure what legal action you would be able to take, unless they were in the same country. The best advice I can give is go on referrals. Find someone who has done work for someone else and contact them.

There is definately the potential to get burned, but keep in mind a lot of the big earners do oursource this stuff, or just buy ready made solutions and hire someone to modify it.
If you do any work outside the US you can forget about having any rights to the script. If you go to a site like elance and hire a guy for $30 he will offer you someone elses project script for $100
anybody got any good programmer referrals? reliable and relatively inexpensive are the two most important things. time is more of a lax thing for me(of course not like 1 year for a job that can be done in 1 week or so)
Send me a PM with some project info and I'd be willing to discuss working on it with you. I don't have a lot of time right now with school and work, but I could work on it in my spare time and I'm pretty quick.

I'm guessing you're looking for site programming and not an actual program programming :p
I have a few ideas where I DESPERATELY need a programmer. And I think the ideas kick some serious butt. Unfortunately I'm too nervous to propose the ideas for fear it will be taken. Until I have the resources to make a significant investment, I'm going to hold off.

Then, I'll pay a local interactive company to develop this for me. Meet with them face to face. Get contracts signed. Do it legit. If anyone knows any way around this let me know.... I'm dying to know because I've got some killer ideas!

I have a friend who programs but he always asks to take 25% of all profits generated by the site.
is it?...huff maybe for geniuses like you engaged=/ i guess i might try...

me and 50 million other people who have learned it. and if you don't know how to do something in php, you go to php.net and someone probably asked the same thing or there is a function to get it done.
alrighty. i've gotta go study for my calc III exam, so no more talking on different posts with u engaged...blah

oh yeah, if anyone still has any suggestions with the programmer/referral thing, please do post them
I agree with engaged, it is not as hard as you would think it is. I picked it up pretty easy, but I wasn't doing anything too crazy with it. I did sort of rewrite a myspace train script though. That was fun.
juniodude -yeah he's dependable and reliable. I've done about 5 projects with him - he's never stolen anything - and even helps out sometimes by suggesting another feature that might make the project better.
calc III, does it get any easier??? I guess calc 4 is easier... but 3 was easy too.
bahaha, ur gonna make me fail my exam which i should leave for now...i guess i will give it a shot or maybe try out cecilia's referral
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