Outsourcing SEO

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New member
Aug 20, 2008
Ive been reading this threads about making 100k and 200k a year, and found them very interesting. Im a senior in college and the last thing i want to do next year is to sit in a fuckin cube. Now with that being said, how ethical is outsourcing SEO and making money off of it to less web savvy people? If i went around locally, telling people that i could help them raise their google/yahoo/msn rankings and outsourcing the SEO stuff to the people on here, you think i could get some coin? There is a lot of cheap SEO going around this forum, and from the look of it, pretty effective stuff. If i were to do this how much should i raise the prices (i.e 50 directory submissions are $4, but should i charge 15?) Im getting a better grasp on the SEO every day, i feel like i learn this stuff 100 times better than i learn shit at school. Let me know what you guys think, good idea? bad idea? if you have some input hit me up.

Why do you have to abandon all other avenues to do it?

You can do it part time, develop some expertise and see if it something you can do fulltime.
I know thats what ill probly end up doing, iw as more concerned of what people think of the idea and what the pricing should be
Questionable ethics. Then again so much of internet business is morally gray.

I've never found the idea of approaching small/local businesses and trying to sell them SEO very appealing though. I'd think more about that than ethics.

EDIT: Bottom line, though, you'd probably make some money doing this. Only one way to find out how much though.
So basically, it's SEO arbitrage. You can get the highest markup and least competition if you are in a small town and market to the local businesses.

There's a thread here somewhere about something similar. I think it had to do with web design and logos, though.
Questionable ethics. Then again so much of internet business is morally gray.
Morally gray? That sounds TOTALLY GAY!

I've never found the idea of approaching small/local businesses and trying to sell them SEO very appealing though. I'd think more about that than ethics.
What ethics? You deliver a ROI, they pay you handsomely for it. That's called good business.

EDIT: Bottom line, though, you'd probably make some money doing this. Only one way to find out how much though.
Making money and taking care of your family is moral. Collecting welfare is not.
with all of that being said, what would be an appropriate mark up compared to the regular SEO market
with all of that being said, what would be an appropriate mark up compared to the regular SEO market
If you want a fast buck, whatever you can get. As much as you can get.

If you want to build a business, you'd be wise to try and figure out what the ROI is for your customer, and make sure they are receiving a profit from using your service.

I just got a quote for some graphics from a local offline designer. He wants $200 for a $60 job. So there you have an example. Around 300%. Although unlike my hyper-moral pal in this thread, I wouldn't blink at charging $2,000 for a $60 job if the customer still stands to make money off of my work and use me again.
Don't worry about the ethics here. This is how every business in the world works. They hire people for a wage, and sell the products of their labor for more. It's the way things work, and while many find that immoral for some reason, its really not. You're adding value by communicating with your clients and coordinating with the service providers. The service providers get paid, you get paid, and the client gets better rankings. That's an all around win, which doesn't sound even slightly immoral to me. Charge as much other SEO providers of similar quality, you're offering the exact same service.
MasterOfNone, thanks that was what i was looking for, a nice good motivating kick in the ass, i think im going to do this, i just need some careful planning, has anyone worked with the cheap directory submissions and had success? Being the middle man in this operation sounds good to me.
im aware of that, im wondering if anyone had success with any of you guys, perhaps gaining a high rate of backlinks compared to directories submitted
Sucess will come if you have researched your terms or keywords properly. Building links is not the key.

Definition of Success:
Building links for properly researched keywords. Period!

well i would more than likely add in complimentary keyword analysis, and recommend keywords for customers, id rather build a strong business than make a fast buck.
ooo burn, like i was saying before, im constantly learning seo, the amount ive learned in the last 2 months is really mind boggling for me, i look back at myself from the beginning of the summer and im shocked how ignorant i was, im currently in the process of redoing my sites so they can be optimized, they are my guinny pigs for this other project. Speaking of which MDsandB, im fixing some problems with my pay pal then ill be in contact for your services =)
ooo burn, like i was saying before, im constantly learning seo, the amount ive learned in the last 2 months is really mind boggling for me, i look back at myself from the beginning of the summer and im shocked how ignorant i was, im currently in the process of redoing my sites so they can be optimized, they are my guinny pigs for this other project. Speaking of which MDsandB, im fixing some problems with my pay pal then ill be in contact for your services =)

Exactly what i was suggesting you. Before you step in to make grounds for your work, have a base ready. Its good your understanding SEO. Work on your site first n use that as an example to put it across your prospective clients. and yeah am always around. PM me or chat with me if you need anything.
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