Outsourcing a Database Site Builder? Good Idea?


An Inglorious Bastard
Jul 20, 2010
Dominican Republic
After reading hours and hours of Eli's blog, I am convinced I need to build(or have built) a blog network consisting of database sites to create a good foundation of backlinks I can have on hand for my Money sites. The problem is I don't know PHP and I really don't think it's something I have time to learn this year.

I am learning Spanish right now and studying other things on a daily basis, I'm already on brain overload.

How beneficial do any of you think a network like this is and is it impossible to find someone good to build this for me? I'm thinking 10 sites with 100,000 pages apiece would be my order.

Also, for those with experience in this is maintenance a mofo for these things???

Anyway, thanks for any ideas or help...

If you don't want to learn PHP, then look into a datafeed plugin for Wordpress. What you would then do is have a script written to pull the database into a datafeed, similar to what shopping sites do with their databases. This would then load up your posts and categories.

If that sounds like too much work, then just have a CSV written with all the database information formatted to use one of the CSV importer plugins.

Both options are much faster than writing custom CMSs to use your DBs.
Isn't the duplicate content on these database sites an issue? Esp as Google seems to have got a lot more on top of dup content since the time of Eli's post.

Eli's post mentioned that these sites need to pay for themselves & the hosting. But on a smaller scale I have a bunch of sites which were created from merchant feeds (using a wordpress plugin). These have thousands of pages indexed but don't get a single visitor ever for any long tail searches. So seems like G has well and truly discounted them
Eli's post mentioned that these sites need to pay for themselves & the hosting. But on a smaller scale I have a bunch of sites which were created from merchant feeds (using a wordpress plugin). These have thousands of pages indexed but don't get a single visitor ever for any long tail searches. So seems like G has well and truly discounted them

If all you have on the page is the manufacturer's feed data, then yeah you'll have a page that's almost useless because chances are, a few hundred other people have the same setup.

If on the other hand, you differentiate the page by adding other content that helps make it unique around and between the feed content, then you're fine.

Far too many people try out a datafeed or DB site and discount it when they aren't seeing results, but it's not the content's fault, it's theirs for not being creative and thinking about the kind of footprint they're dealing with by being lazy and unoriginal.

/end soapbox
If you don't want to learn PHP, then look into a datafeed plugin for Wordpress. What you would then do is have a script written to pull the database into a datafeed, similar to what shopping sites do with their databases. This would then load up your posts and categories.

If that sounds like too much work, then just have a CSV written with all the database information formatted to use one of the CSV importer plugins.

Both options are much faster than writing custom CMSs to use your DBs.

Thanks Rex! You know your stuff bro, I appreciate it!:)
What REX has said.

My steps for these:

- make a nice design to integrate the DB stuff into
- Think about how to present the data for the user. For example: Make the description of the golf course the content text, seperate all the contact info into a sidebar or box.
- Think about easy content to integrate into the DB

Doing it in 2 different ways:

- create CSV files with the data I want and import it to wordpress with CSV importer plugin
- made a script that turns some datafeeds into rss feeds and then I import them

I have a shitload of fun creating this kind of sites. The best parts for me are scrapping and bringing the monies of course.

A few this to bare in mind:

- if you do it like Rexibit and Emp said, your sites will not look and feel like shitty spam or autoblog crap.
- watch the limits of the CMs you are using: my page limit has been 20k pages (with Wordpress), but trying a new CMS that handles 100k to 200k page sites.
- if you can´t build you own scapper to pull data in, outsource it or just buy databases, they are all over the place.
for the none techies amongst us how would you make the databases you buy unique. Since presumably there is little value in just using the output as is.

The idea of trying to make 100,000 pages unique just feels completely overwhelming to me
for the none techies amongst us how would you make the databases you buy unique. Since presumably there is little value in just using the output as is.

The idea of trying to make 100,000 pages unique just feels completely overwhelming to me

Extract data, scrape other content, spin it, aggregate it, print it, bank.
Depending on the information structure of your database and what your going after, if you construct it correctly, each record in the database may be enough to make the pages unique.

for the none techies amongst us how would you make the databases you buy unique. Since presumably there is little value in just using the output as is.

The idea of trying to make 100,000 pages unique just feels completely overwhelming to me