Our designs convert better and make you more money. That simple.

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Aug 11, 2009
Rating - 100%
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Hey WickedFire!

We're a insanely talented team of interaction designers and strategists that help companies design better. We specialize only in UI, UX and web design and we are damn good at what we do. We are not the cheapest, but definitely the best.

Our landing pages covert better - that simple. We make you more money than anyone else. Let our team of user experience designers work on your projects.

Wickedfire: $500 landing pages all day long for you guys (Normally $750)
**We are giving out 50% review copies for 2 reputable members**

Call: 1-877-455-4865
Email: mike@custompsds.com
Skype: cmc_michael
Live chat: on our site > CustomPSDS
**PM'ing me here is ok as well**

Some of our work:
BCG Demo
Business Class Guru
Business Class Guru
Business Class Guru

BMP Demo
Buy Microsoft Points
Buy Microsoft Points

Salary View
Salary View

@dabreadman - I just replied to your PM, and accepted your request on Skype. Looking forward to speaking with you.

@Machine - Thanks, and glad you like our work!
Just an update:

Both review copies have been bought. Thanks again to them, and also the huge response and support we have had from you guys today, WOW! Thanks again WickedFire!

So what do we get for that 500$?

That is a very good question. I will outline and go into more details about what we do offer for $500, and what you are getting.

Our package includes:
1.) An over the phone design consultation with a UX expert where we define and discover what your goals are.
2.) We choose a designer that would fit best for your project, and your project manager sites down and goes over your details and together, your project manager and your design discusses the best way to implement solutions for the goals you want to accomplish.
3.) Your designer sites down and starts designing! This process takes anywhere from 1-3 business days, as we like to take our time and be thorough. It's almost nearly impossible for well-thoughtout detailed UX design to take a few hours. Good well thought design takes time.
4.) We deliver our solution to you, and at that point the client gets up to 3 revision rounds. We tweak the design exactly to your specification.

And that's pretty much it. Keep in mind, this is not limited to just one page. I stated $500 for a landing page in the post, but we design sub-pages as well and apply the same process. Prices per sub-page is $250 ($350 normally).

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