Other side of the normal domain negotiation dynamic - Opinions?


Former Lurker
Sep 4, 2007
I was contacted out of the blue by a domainer looking to sell an EMD .com in our niche. He offered to sell at $350, I countered at $250. He accepted, Paypal, Godaddy push and I have the domain within 10 mins of his email. (I did check the guys bona fides first).

Anyway, I have to say it has been a pleasure to be on this side of the bargaining table. As you guys know if you show interest in a domain, the price immediately goes up by 10x. The entire negotiating dynamic differs when it is a guy looking to liquidate his holdings like this guy seems to have been.

The funny thing is I would have easily paid $2000 for this domain (plural, 1300/month global exacts and another 5400/month for the singular). Average bids are approx $2.00 but the traffic is worth even more than that to us. Most searches are in the UK as it is a UK term more or less. Domain name is 7 characters and super brandable / category killer by the way. In fact I have been negotiating with the owner of the .co.uk EMD who was looking for $1,200 which I considered reasonable.

What do you guys think? Did I get lucky? Or was I massively over-valuing the domain in the first place? And is this a sign of the times and the ever decreasing value of EMD .coms: (supposedly) lower SEO value, less "direct navigation", etc.

^^ EMD still works great, smart people are still making good money, the question you should ask is what is ROI.......go and get CPA offers, make money, flip it if you are not interested to keep this for long time.

inb4 you got it for really cheap trust me.