OSCommerce Templates

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New member
Feb 26, 2007
Than Franthithco
Slimey fucks have made finding Free OSC templates DAMN NEAR IMPOSSIBLE on the SERPS. I fee like doing some serious SEO on a REAL FREE template site for free just to piss these assholes off.

Anyhow, I'm looking for OSC templates that are free, or in the sub 10 dollar range. It's an open source program for fuck sakes, let's find some open source templates!



Honestly your not gonna find much, it takes a lot of hard work to implement an os commerce set up and install that looks good and works well. A lot of the shit is hard coded based upon add-ons chosen etc... it isn't an easy WP style template system and your better off just paying to have something made or getting some warez template monster stuff ( and these suck ass btw, they never look correct once you've added any mods. )
I've implemented two OSCommerce sites already, and have found it to be a joy quite honestly. ANY problem you could possibly run into has been solved with a contribution or just a couple lines of code.

Im hesitant to use Warez stuff with anything even near a credit card. It would only take a couple lines of php in the right places to be a bad boy.

Well I'm currently revamping OSCommerce into something more manageable and CSS based. It's my first go at OSCommerce and you're right templates are $150 a pop on average and $1000 for exclusive rights. If what I'm doing works out right a few of the key elements of OSCommerce should be CSS friendly.
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