Osama Home Videos


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Sep 4, 2008
VIDEO: Part 1 of Osama bin Laden's 'Home Videos' - ABC News


Check out the awesome terrorist command center.

5 Videos released by the government that were found in the house Osama was living in. The government was kind enough to remove all audio from them for us.

Some videos he looks like a old homeless man, who spent 5yrs in one room. And yet others he has no grey hair, skin a healthy tan, and looks 20yrs younger. That is a hell of a make up job, I would also like to know if dying your hair is against his religion.

The government-selected clips also provide an opportunity for the U.S. to paint bin Laden in an unflattering light to his supporters. They video include outtakes of his propaganda films and, taken together, portray him as someone obsessed with his own image and how he is portrayed to the world.

The clips have also been edited by the government to just show outtakes apparently.

Hopefully a sex tape doesn't come out.

Didn't they speculate that the reason he released so few videos was because he was hiding out in caves and shit? Now they say he was in this million dollar compound for five years or more. Maybe he was afraid of getting caught, but would it have been that hard for him to leak out a yearly video terror address to the world?
"Check out the awesome terrorist command center."


The point of the videos is so that people do not look up to him and it more less demoralizes his character.
That's a multi million dollar compound? Where did they spend the money? Obviously not in that room - nor on electronic wiring - nice power strip hanging on the wall
That's a multi million dollar compound? Where did they spend the money? Obviously not in that room - nor on electronic wiring - nice power strip hanging on the wall

Haha, no kidding! Do you know how much a MILLION dollars buys you in terms of real estate in Pakistan?!?! It looks more like a bording house. There was what 22+ people there when they raided it? The other thing is that they said the place was built in 2004/2005, but, it looks like it's been around for a LOT longer than that. The place is utterly wrecked.
Some videos he looks like a old homeless man, who spent 5yrs in one room. And yet others he has no grey hair, skin a healthy tan, and looks 20yrs younger. That is a hell of a make up job, I would also like to know if dying your hair is against his religion.

How is a Muslim like Osama Bin Laden supposed to wear his beard? - By Michelle Tsai - Slate Magazine

The clips have also been edited by the government to just show outtakes apparently.

Outtakes should always be overdubbed with the theme song from the Benny Hill Show.