Osama Bin Bogeyman


New member
Mar 5, 2008
London UK
CIA just getting rid of old asset.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hi2Mphoaaos]YouTube - Osama bin Bogeyman? 'CIA getting rid of old asset'[/ame]

Not OP, JC.

I'm sure if there was even an once of evidence this cock sucker was alive every half arsed islamic fucker would be jumping to say the US was full of shit.
I'm just surprised that the millions on his head didn't bring out some crazies looking for a big payday all these years. I thought for sure it would eventually be some random guy who just came across him and would rat him out for a payday. Makes me sad that it looks like that didn't happen, even though we can't be 100% what did happen.
Oh my eyes..they're burning from the glare off all the TIN FOIL HATS.
LOL at the Amerisheep believing this and celebrating it, just wow.

Maybe they should have brought him back to the US, cut of his hands and feet, dragged him through the streets, stoned him, cut off his head and then run it on the (state controlled) news channels saying it was in the name of God.

But I think Islamic terrorists serve up enough hypocrisy for everyone.
Enlighten us, o lithium-taking one.

Share your great wisdom with us sad little sheeplings so that we may know how the world really doth work...

Here's the thing that's important about what this guy is saying, maybe Bin Laden died yesterday, maybe not, we don't know. Not a shred of real evidence (I don't count testimony) has been shown to prove that he was killed yesterday. From what I understand his body has already undergone autopsy and has been buried at sea. If the official story is true then why hide the evidence. I'm not saying it makes the whole thing a lie, I'm saying it makes the whole thing look suspicious.

The masses choose to instantly accept what's given via media, while a growing few of us choose to instantly question. I don't understand why it's taboo to question what governments feed us, as the history of governments in general have been both oppressive and full of conspiracies.
... maybe Bin Laden died yesterday, maybe not, we don't know. Not a shred of real evidence (I don't count testimony) has been shown to prove that he was killed yesterday. From what I understand his body has already undergone autopsy and has been buried at sea. If the official story is true then why hide the evidence. I'm not saying it makes the whole thing a lie, I'm saying it makes the whole thing look suspicious.
That's what I thought for the first 13 seconds after hearing OBL was dropped into the sea too... It DOES sound suspicious on the surface, to ANYBODY it would... It's so fishy it's quite obvious, even to 3-year-olds, that proof will be demanded by the entire globe.

(And Obama just showed us his friggin birth certificate 5 days ago, so I believe he knows this intrinsically.)

The bottom line on the proof is O would NOT NOT NOT have made the announcement without gathering all the proof possible before dumping the body. -Hell, I bet they kept the body too, just to be safe!

You heard it here first... O's got Osamas:

1. DNA-tested blood samples.
2. Enough pictures to fill a high school yearbook.
3. Dental Records and other X-Rays.
4. Helmet-Cam Videos of Osama's last stand... From every one of the Seals.

...At a MINIMUM. -And anything else would be political suicide and he KNOWS it. And so do all of the press, too.

Give more time before you cry foul next time... You'll sound just like Trump. :tongue2:
That's what I thought for the first 13 seconds after hearing OBL was dropped into the sea too... It DOES sound suspicious on the surface, to ANYBODY it would... It's so fishy it's quite obvious, even to 3-year-olds, that proof will be demanded by the entire globe.

(And Obama just showed us his friggin birth certificate 5 days ago, so I believe he knows this intrinsically.)

The bottom line on the proof is O would NOT NOT NOT have made the announcement without gathering all the proof possible before dumping the body. -Hell, I bet they kept the body too, just to be safe!

You heard it here first... O's got Osamas:

1. DNA-tested blood samples.
2. Enough pictures to fill a high school yearbook.
3. Dental Records and other X-Rays.
4. Helmet-Cam Videos of Osama's last stand... From every one of the Seals.

...At a MINIMUM. -And anything else would be political suicide and he KNOWS it. And so do all of the press, too.

Give more time before you cry foul next time... You'll sound just like Trump. :tongue2:

I guess you are right, lukep. However, still, there is a lot to this story that fails to convince a lot of people out there. The guy's been hiding for a decade planning bomb attacks across the world. And now, all of a sudden, he is dead.

Everyone would be happy seeing OBL dead for sure, but there are few things, which keep hitting me:

1. How, all of a sudden, his location was known to the US military after a decade of search.
2. If he is dead, then what will happen next. I don think any terror organizati4on can just be over with one man :(. Will they come out to take revenge?
3. If he is dead and was killed in Pakistan, were their any people from ISI or other local bodies involved in keeping him there? And was it an attempt to seek safety, as they revealed OBL's whereabouts?

I have a lot of things going inside my mind (way more than this). Sorry guys, for taking your time. Too much of it :( .

Hope peace reigns supreme and the world becomes a better place to leave with all terror organizations seizing to exist.


I think it's obvious what he's doing. It's the same thing he did with his birth-certificate. He could have shown his birth-certificate way back during the elections, when Hillary first brought it up. But he held on to it, because the mere chatter about it is a political weapon for him.

The same will be true now that he can hold on to the pictures of OBL. He'll claim that we're all just silly for even wanting to see such gruesome pictures. So he'll hold on to them, until it shows that it's hurting his poll numbers. Then he'll release them.

His political game is so obvious anymore. The only people he fools with it are those that already have a permanent attachment to his nut-sack.
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^Yeah, I think there is a little political grandstanding going on here, but how much is a good question. Give it a few days and I bet he'll release a lot more than he has to calm down many questions.

As for the nut-sack-suckers being the "only people he fools," keep in mind that the top 10% of Americans possess 90% of our IQ points... The rest are watching soap operas and chatting on facebook all day long. -This market is simply rife with gullible citizens...
As for the nut-sack-suckers being the "only people he fools," keep in mind that the top 10% of Americans possess 90% of our IQ points... The rest are watching soap operas and chatting on facebook all day long. -This market is simply rife with gullible citizens...

+1 :drinkup: