Organised Crime & Search Engines

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Superstar DJ!
Oct 5, 2006
Button Moon
So everyone on this forum knows how lucrative top 10 results on search engines can be so like any industry there must be large scale organised crime gangs trying to muscle in on the cash.

Has anyone heard of this happening and how do the search engines protect them self from this?

Haven't seen it happen yet.

organised crime is said to be pushing fishing attacks, botnets and the like, Search engines?

Not yet at least.

i'm sure it's hapening in the form of paying for massive ppc traffic with stolen credit cards and such.
organised crime is said to be pushing fishing attacks

obsessed much with fish? anyways how about demands for money or your adsense account will end up with so many clicks, you'll be banned by daybreak or our network of banned sites will start linking to you?
Forgot about that, yes, but this did not happen enough times to warrant "organized crime" more like "crackers".

The images of tattooed Yakuza entering Yahoo headquarters, swords in hand to make a deal or of Google founders appearing before a Don this is not.


PS: Yeah, PHISHING... happy now?
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