order page numbers question


New member
Nov 11, 2009
Hey all, just had a quick question.

In your campaigns do you often have a good amount of people cancel out at the end of the order page?

This is my first campaign trying diet products so I'm not sure if this is normal or not. I'll wake and check my stats and there will be like 25 people that went through to the order page and then maybe 1 purchase if i'm lucky.

Tried a few different landers, purchased and tested a few decent versions of copy, bounce rate stays pretty much the same at around 50%, always same result on order end.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.


are you displaying your price? because people wont even read your shit, theyll just go straight to the order page to see how much it costs
You may also want to take a stab at an Exit Pop or Live Chat. Split test with and without and see if you can get anyone to take the offer as they try and close out.

Are you collecting emails on a previous page or a phone number? There are companies who will take those prospects and call them to try and get them to complete their order over the phone (PM me and I can get you the company who does this).

At the end of the day, this will happen anytime your hitting someone up for a credit card. You just need to make the product/offer seem so appealing and the perceived value so high that it makes the price trivial. Maybe offer a free gift for signing up or something along those lines.
yeah, I put the price in my landing page a couple times throughout. above and below fold and its not a rebill. odd.
I'm not running the offer, only trying to get people there.

I tried doing an email submit so the person could get tips on the product and lifestyle initially but no one was signing up.

I'm not really a fan of the offer page for the product so i'm thinking of having a new one made. Another part of me tells me that since i'm so new I just don't want to say a campaign failed, lol.

do you guys ever have new landing pages made for other peoples offers or do you pretty much just stick to the one they provide?

thanks for everyones input btw.