Options with 10K+ Unique Gamers Daily


New member
Jan 18, 2009
Hey guys,

I own a site that went really viral over the past few months and is now drawing over 10K unique gamers a day. Just wondering if anyone has any any ideas on which type of gaming offers I should put up there?

Also, I'm looking into creating a forum now - going to use vbulletin unless someone has a better suggestion which of course I'm open to. And I'm now putting in email capture to start building a list. Any suggestions on that end are welcome too.

Any general or specific advice is appreciated.

What kind of gamers? If they're the Facebook/social gaming types, I've had some good luck with Battlestar Galactica (not sure who all has it, but Neverblue does.) If they are console gamers, and largely US sourced, GameStop coupon codes tend to do well for me, as do direct links to games and accessories that are on sale.)

On the list, once you get a decent size to it, you'd be suprised how many cash sponsors you can find for a niche, from within that niche.

Along with what frank said, if they are console gamers, gamefly has done well for me in the past. If they play games on facebook or online in general , gamevance is pretty solid.
Along with what frank said, if they are console gamers, gamefly has done well for me in the past. If they play games on facebook or online in general , gamevance is pretty solid.

Hi Jeffrey,

I tried applying for the Gamefly program and got automatically rejected at CJ! Maybe its because I am new to CJ. I also tried contacting Gamefly through their website, but didn't hear back from them.

Any suggestions on how I can apply for their program?


Thanks for the suggestions guys, I'm going to be testing a lot of them.

Frank - they are console gamers and US sourced so I do want to try the Gamestop coupon but am still waiting on approval from Linkshare.

Jeffrey - I'm going to test out some GameFly offers. As for GameVance, it actually looks pretty cool but for some reason Axon Media rejected my application. Oh well.

Secretagentdad - could you elaborate a bit more on what exactly you mean by "high mark up gaming forum packages?"

AYGJoe - I applied for the last 2 networks you mentioned and am awaiting approval. The first link you posted though was broken.

o_O - I put that adsense banner following your suggestion and it brought in just over $40 yesterday. Not bad, but I still think there's potential for more. Either way, I really appreciate the suggestion.

If any AMs out there have any hot gaming offers they want to try on 10K+ unique gamers a day PM me...
You can also go with that themed promotions, where you place on left and right 2 columns with big banners from some game. Test it out too.

Try adotomi or adsimilis.