Optimize Ad Text - Text Synergies

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New member
Aug 13, 2008
Here is my 2nd attempt to contribute something. My first attempt about rotating navigation was not received too well.

This may be old news, but I haven't read about this technique so for all I know there are not that many people doing it.

This works for PPC when you want to fine tune your ad text even further.

A/B split testing can often miss synergies that can exist between a tittle tag, URL or description.

Pick two things you want to test like a tittle tag and URL. Make two variations of each. Create a matrix and keep rest of the ad the same:

Title 1 URL 1
Title 1 URL 2
Title 2 URL 1
Title 2 URL 2

Launch these four ads to see which one is the winner. Sometimes just changing one thing in an ad does not help, but sometimes the right combination can boost click through significantly.

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