Oprah Sues Jesse David Williams - News Video!

first link = fail .. second link = win

edit: i also cannot but expect this to happen. if affiliate marketing is going to be legitimate .. rebills need to stop or have better business practices. it sux but thats how it is. i mean businesses have to be legit in todays world and i dont disagree. take this from someone that never really banked of rebills. but IMHO i would like to be as legit as possible. if i get flamed for that, fuck it, b/c i've wanted to be an entrepreneur my whole life. and never in my life would i expect to fuck people over with rebills. yea i have made a few rebill sales w/ my own methods, but all in all, everyone knows its a bad business practice. I think that there can be just as much success w/o fucking people over w/ rebills. So all of this shit.. i'm not surprised. flame away if you want, but if you want to be a true entrepreneur, you make ur money legitimately
hehe no more jtm offers for a while i bet

rebills don't need to stop they just need to not fuck over people when they call and ask for refunds ect. Don't be a greedy fuck..