Opinion About MediaTrust - Are They Scammers


New member
Jul 30, 2007
First of all I'd like to apologize as English isn't my first language, but I'll try to describe my situation as clear as I can.

I have this situation with Mediatrust. I've been working with them for almost one year now, and always received my checks on time. But they were always small checks of about $100-$200.

The problem is that now that I have invested a lot of money in Adwords to promote some of their products, suddenly the last 2 checks (a total of around $10,000) were lost and never arrived. I told them about this situation and asked them to wire me payment, as I didn't know why checks weren't arriving now.

They answered me that they were sending through wire transfer part of the payment, as one of those checks (that never arrived) was already cashed...

So I said I never received that check, and that they should make their own investigation with their Bank, as I never cashed that check as I never received it.

Their answer is: "Like I said before this might take awhile for them to investigate also I’m not exactly sure what we would do in this kind of situation"..

So what should I do????? We're talking of about $2,500 which is A LOT OF MONEY!!!!!

Have any of you experienced any problems with Advaliant/Mediatrust? Could this be a scam? What can I do????

I'd appreciate your opinions as I'm really worried about loosing all this money.



Keep communicating with them, if someone else cashed the check to you I'd imagine their accounting group can find out what account it was transfered to.
media trust is very trust worthy in my opinion, I have been working with them for about 2 years now
They are a great network. I would rank them with C2M,Copeac,A4D in terms of trust.
Hello friend,

MediaTrust is most legitimate network for affiliates.

It possible someone identity theft you and steal your money?

Good luck bro
No, because the Mediatrust affiliate manager sent me an image of the check that was cashed and the signature on it has nothing to do with mine.
Contact Jivan or Geofferson and this will be resolved.

However, I question you actually in this situation for asking if they are scammers only after working with them? Doesnt make much sense and kind of makes you look like a dingdong. Either way, no they aint stealin your monies.
First of all I'd like to apologize as English isn't my first language, but I'll try to describe my situation as clear as I can.

I have this situation with Mediatrust. I've been working with them for almost one year now, and always received my checks on time. But they were always small checks of about $100-$200.

The problem is that now that I have invested a lot of money in Adwords to promote some of their products, suddenly the last 2 checks (a total of around $10,000) were lost and never arrived. I told them about this situation and asked them to wire me payment, as I didn't know why checks weren't arriving now.

They answered me that they were sending through wire transfer part of the payment, as one of those checks (that never arrived) was already cashed...

So I said I never received that check, and that they should make their own investigation with their Bank, as I never cashed that check as I never received it.

Their answer is: "Like I said before this might take awhile for them to investigate also I’m not exactly sure what we would do in this kind of situation"..

So what should I do????? We're talking of about $2,500 which is A LOT OF MONEY!!!!!

Have any of you experienced any problems with Advaliant/Mediatrust? Could this be a scam? What can I do????

I'd appreciate your opinions as I'm really worried about loosing all this money.



Even if they are to scam, it wouldn't be $10k. From my experience, US banks don't just clear checks without the payee endorsing the check. Happened to me once when I didn't endorse the check, and my bank called me up and got me to sign the damn check before they send it back to clearing again. It is your story against MediaTrust's.
Dude you got scammed by some asshole cashing your check - that is not grounds for suggesting mediatrust are scammers. Just work with them and for chrissakes don't accuse them of anything. I'm not sure who takes the loss in a situation like this; though I expect it's the bank who let someone deposit it or cash it (who it wasn't made out to).
It would take 30 days for a check to actually clear from outside of the US. Also, if the person were to withdraw money, he will need an ID that matches the check name unless he deposited into his bank account. If he did deposit it into his bank account, you can trace him down through the bank.
Maillinatorm2, in his country it maybe really like almost yealry salary. So yeah..!

Waiting for media trust reply.

OP, for such amounts ALWAYS use wire.
Will have to chime in here to say that Mediatrust is not trying to scam you at all, as they are a top network that always pays. Sounds like identity theft more then mediatrust not paying you.
It would take 30 days for a check to actually clear from outside of the US. Also, if the person were to withdraw money, he will need an ID that matches the check name unless he deposited into his bank account. If he did deposit it into his bank account, you can trace him down through the bank.

Check name needs to match bank account name if he were to deposit it. So in the end, nothing makes sense unless you country's banks gives money out before they clear an international check.