Open Source Hardware


New member
Aug 10, 2007
So I'm super addicted to Ted Radio Hour on NPR which essentially is:

A program using Ted Talks previously given by the speakers with common themes where NPR Host Alison Stewart talks with each speaker to probe how ideas make waves and get inside people's heads to open up a whole new picture.

Today's listen was about the power of crowds/crowd sourcing. If you have 45 minutes I would listen to it, all three segments are probably highly relevant to most interests here. TED Radio Hour: The Power Of Crowds : NPR (I listen to these talks as I walk every morning, it's turning out to be something I look forward to daily.)

but what I thought would really interest wickedfire was this 6 minute clip: Marcin Jakubowski: Can We Open-Source Hardware?

Specifically, I love his comments about "Artificial Scarcity" and how the present economic system as it is "enforces mediocrity".