Open Source GeoCloakin'


Mar 10, 1988
San Diego, CA
Hey mother fuckers,
I really love you all lots. And while I have the desire to make millions of dollars at your expense, sometimes you gotta give a little back.

I'm building a quick-and-dirty little GeoCloaker in Python. Think of it like TinyURL, but depending on your visitors Geo location (or referrer, or time of day, or any subids present, or a random % of your traffic), it'll redirect to another page. It uses Redis (memcache alternative) liberally, and currently benchmarks to about 60 hits per second on my local machine; should be good enough for PPV, if that's what you're into.

I'm currently using it on an unnamed traffic source to redirect US visitors (approval team) to SiteA, and visitors from MX (my demo) to SiteB, and I'm making about $200/day. If you're using a traffic source that doesn't check links from globally distributed approval locations (e.g. anyone but Google), this is all the cloaker you need to run an international campaign profitably.

I hope to have a beta version complete today that'll be fully functional and ready to run, but right now it is incomplete and unless you're me, you probably can't use it yet.

If you want it sooner, contribute some code or paypal me some dough. Many busy hands make for light work.

The source is all Python+Django+Pinax, and I've included the necessary apache/nginx configurations for you to copy. Please don't ask for install help, I won't give it. I plan on selling an auto-installer here for low-$xxx within the next week, but if you can install it yourself, the software is free and open source.

Screenshots coming soon and a demo of it as soon as I'm able to finish coding one.


lol django django lol

lol redis redis lol

lol 60 req/sec 60 req/sec lol

Django is for speds who don't know any better. Are you a sped?
lol django django lol

lol redis redis lol

lol 60 req/sec 60 req/sec lol

Django is for speds who don't know any better. Are you a sped?
Hey, retard, I just made a thread that said "I'm giving this fucking shit away for free and letting you modify it and make it your own and keep it forever"

Take your class-five negativity somewhere they'll fucking pay you for it, because I don't care about you and your sorry excuse for an opinion, douchebag.
Hey, retard, I just made a thread that said "I'm giving this fucking shit away for free and letting you modify it and make it your own and keep it forever"
Take your class-five negativity somewhere they'll fucking pay you for it, because I don't care, douchebag.

If you don't care, then why'd you respond? Mr "oh my god I'm the best coder in the world cos I found a python book in the trash one day"

Lets just ignore the fact that 99% of the people on this forum have no idea how to setup a django app shall we.
Yeah, OK, nobody can set it up or install it, and someone might make it better/faster in PHP. IDGAF.

If someone can build and polish an app like this in two days, with a user interface and multiple account support and the caching necessary to avoid SQL hits on every visitor, by all means, I'd love for them to.

Then, the community would have TWO of these fucking free open source apps, and for all I care, mine can fall to the wayside to a better competitor.

You know why? Because I don't care. I am donating this, and you are free to shit upon it if that's how you react to free gifts. I've seen 60 people (EXAGERATION) in the last month say they want something like this, want to learn to code just to build something like this, etc. and like I said, I want to give something back to the community. If it's useful to one dude, that's awesome.

By the time it's Beta, I'll only have spent about two days throwing it together, and that's why it's convenient and affordable for me to do so; plain and simple, it'd have taken a lot longer in PHP, so Python's what I chose.

I'm not the best coder in the world, and I've never said so. Eat a dick.
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I'm not the best coder in the world, and I've never said so. Eat a dick.


i'm a programmer and sysadmin specializing in statistical analysis and large-scale number crunching
got too much traffic? can't keep your server up? i design scalable, redundant solutions.
ask me today how i can help you handle 100mil hits per day or process terabytes of data to uncover hidden trends in your campaigns

You're as retarded as nicky and tobsn. Do all three of you have slumber parties together?
Insomnicac you are a stupid douche, there I said it.

+rep uplinked
Django is being used in a project that will soon make me money.

Redis has made me money.

Python has been responsible for most money i've made.

Uplinked is very helpful to me, I owe him a drink or five.

Haters gonna hate.
Django is being used in a project that will soon make me money.

Redis has made me money.

Python has been responsible for most money i've made.

Uplinked is very helpful to me, I owe him a drink or five.

Haters gonna hate.

I've got nothing against Python (except that it won't allow assignments in an if statement). If uplinked was more like you, I wouldn't have a problem with him.

somehow a bond forms via mutual dislike

Ain't it great :D












and the oneliner to upload them, then generate all that bbcode:
 ssh $SCP_HOST "mkdir $SCP_DIR" && cd $HATERS_DIR; for i in `ls`; do scp -q $i "$SCP_HOST:$SCP_DIR" && echo "[IMG]http://$HOST/haters/$%7Bi%7D[/IMG][-img]http://$HOST/haters/${i}[-/img]"; done
I've added install instructions for linux, front end forms, and basic daily click counting.
You now can probably install and use this, if you know a bit of command line and have root access to any debian based linux.

No idea why that guy decided to shit on my thread, I don't even know who he is or what grudge he has with me.
But fuck him, right in his ear, please use and enjoy this.
No idea why that guy decided to shit on my thread, I don't even know who he is or what grudge he has with me.
But fuck him, right in his ear, please use and enjoy this.

well his last 20 or posts will shed some light on that.

Either way thanks for the share
bring in rage9 so he can say how he can do it better in PHP...


btw, thanks Lee

Lol, why do I get dragged in to this? The dude is providing it for free I have no motive to smash on it.

There sounds like there are a few cockpeices here that think they could do better, and if you can then pony up suckers.

60 request/second isn't staggering by any means but would work out just fine for what most people would use it for.

Good job Lee. +Rep
No idea why that guy decided to shit on my thread, I don't even know who he is or what grudge he has with me.
But fuck him, right in his ear, please use and enjoy this.

I'll be sure to tell you in person, if I find time to make it down that way on the 19th.