Open Question Section


New member
Jul 25, 2009
Alright N00bz:

I am Flashfire and I am an internet marketing 25 year old with monthly revenue in my niche exceeding 60k. I have been around in WickedFire for 4 years as this is a 2nd account. Since returning from Leads Con Vegas I feel generous to open myself up to questions for all n00bz with a passion to earn a living making money on the internet [marketing] FULL TIME.

Keep in mind that for the first 3.5 years I did not make shit in this industry. It was my hobby, passion and general aim in life. I was an Economics college undergrad in my dorm at the age of 21 when I got started. I had a job offer as an investment banking analyst with Merrill Lynch in NYC but chose this path instead upon graduation.

Blue Hat SEO is where I make my money. So let me open the floor for the next 72 hours to any N00bz seriously interested in making their first buck online. Many have helped me and I will help you.

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How about a completely open ended hypothetical to start. You have 10k and ambition to sit on front of your computer for 8-12 hours per day. Your short term goal is 2k/mnth (60 days). You have no experience in this industry. You know html. How do you rebuild your business?
-What training materials/books do you start with?
-How much do you outsource?
-Do you focus on creating long term residual income or short term for quick profit to build/scale?
How about a completely open ended hypothetical to start. You have 10k and ambition to sit on front of your computer for 8-12 hours per day. Your short term goal is 2k/mnth (60 days). You have no experience in this industry. You know html. How do you rebuild your business?
-What training materials/books do you start with?
-How much do you outsource?
-Do you focus on creating long term residual income or short term for quick profit to build/scale?

If OP is legit, these are some good base questions to build a thread off of.
How about a completely open ended hypothetical to start. You have 10k and ambition to sit on front of your computer for 8-12 hours per day. Your short term goal is 2k/mnth (60 days). You have no experience in this industry. You know html. How do you rebuild your business?
-What training materials/books do you start with?
-How much do you outsource?
-Do you focus on creating long term residual income or short term for quick profit to build/scale?

- -What training materials/books do you start with?

Here it depends what direction you want to go. If you are looking for something more long term and consistent I would purchase an SEO Book Aaron Wall type package and start plugging away. Buy 10+ aged domains in your niche and start messing around with content and driving traffic organically. If you build it correctly, targeted traffic will follow. Read the book "The Art of SEO." You're not going to make 2k+ monthly right off the bat here but you will be learning the complexities of this biz gradually while you build up paid traffic. (see below)

Use Google Free Adwords tool to choose a niche with a shit load of monthly traffic and average competitiveness.

If you want to go the PPC/paid traffic route go with PPC Coach or something in PPV/CPV and start testing in your niche. Begin by building out landers for your niche and rotate to see which lander converts best then exploit the fuck out of it. PM me if you are serious about this as I won't spill the beans publicly.

-How much do you outsource?
- When you find a creative/unique SEO method that works, which took me 3.5 years, outsource it all.

-Do you focus on creating long term residual income or short term for quick profit to build/scale?

Long term residual income is the key to to success in any business, online or offline. However, cash-flow is integral to the success of any startup. Here you have 10k so let's focus on building it the right way organically first. Short term rips are far less beneficial on the long run than serious scalable residual income on auto-pilot.


1.) Choose a niche that is profitable, scalable and you are passionate about.

2.) Start reading books/blogs like SEO Book, Blue Hat SEO etc, The Art of SEO etc.

3.) Build that shit out.

4.) Rinse and repeat.

Hope this helps.
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So im trying to index webpages into google so i get adsense clicks and have a base income. Then sell links on DP to make money. Is my strategy a good one?

I use onlywire, ping o matic, sitemap, to get index faster.

How come when im on my computer it shows me ranked for keywords, but when i go to best buy it doesnt.

I use blogger because its free, i have no coding skills, and my computer always gets fucked up lol.

Here is an example of one my website i make.
Weight Lifting

Very clean very simple. I followed nick stewart guide and it works a bit but very hard to rank for 5000+ search terms.

So tell me what do you think. Each webpage i make i try to get 30 backlinks too. I work hard to make sure that everything works well.

My goal here is to get more traffic then the content itself can linkbait and then i will drive more traffic thus getting me more money.

What do you think. Im targeting Killer ab workout for example. Im ranked 14th but somtimes i move up to 13 or 12th. On your computer do you see me for that term?

Anyways i build these website up then i hope to rank after about a month. I created the website 1/28/2010

Now the website is almost fully ranked. And google is finding new links daily.

But how many links will it take for me to be number 1 for killer ab workout without moving around to much? 200-300 quality backlinks is what im thinking.

Whatever help youi can make would be great.
I'm not so interested in promoting products from affiliate advertisers as I am working with small businesses and bringing them online. (it may sound crazy)

My goal is to find an antiquated business model or small business that isn't online that can make a lot of money doing so (example:^1493622)

How would you research opportunities?
-how would you see how competitive the SEO mkt is in their industry?
-how would you see how competitive the SEM mkt is in their industry?

Anything I forgot to mention hat you are thinking of?

Thanks for taking the time.
I'm not so interested in promoting products from affiliate advertisers as I am working with small businesses and bringing them online. (it may sound crazy)

My goal is to find an antiquated business model or small business that isn't online that can make a lot of money doing so (example:^1493622)

How would you research opportunities?
-how would you see how competitive the SEO mkt is in their industry?
-how would you see how competitive the SEM mkt is in their industry?

Anything I forgot to mention hat you are thinking of?

Thanks for taking the time.

Pardon my french but, why the fuck would you bring small businesses online via internet marketing and take a fee when you can create your own small business online? How can you do consulting in internet marketing when you do not fully understand the biz? It does not sound crazy, it just sounds illogical in a business standpoint. I need to get you out of the N00b mindset here and get you thinking big picture. :disgust:

You can use Google Free Adwords tool for research. Google PPC adword tool is good too. There are alot of other tools out there but it depends exactly what you are trying to analyze.
So im trying to index webpages into google so i get adsense clicks and have a base income. Then sell links on DP to make money. Is my strategy a good one?

I use onlywire, ping o matic, sitemap, to get index faster.
- Throw Adsense on there and it should index quicker or build out a Squidoo lense and link back.

How come when im on my computer it shows me ranked for keywords, but when i go to best buy it doesnt.

- Probably because your Google settings need to be tweaked so it does not present visited sites higher in the rankings.

I use blogger because its free, i have no coding skills, and my computer always gets fucked up lol.

Here is an example of one my website i make.
Weight Lifting

Very clean very simple. I followed nick stewart guide and it works a bit but very hard to rank for 5000+ search terms.
- Not hard just time consuming. How bad do you want it?

So tell me what do you think. Each webpage i make i try to get 30 backlinks too. I work hard to make sure that everything works well.
- Try a forum link spammer.

My goal here is to get more traffic then the content itself can linkbait and then i will drive more traffic thus getting me more money.

What do you think. Im targeting Killer ab workout for example. Im ranked 14th but somtimes i move up to 13 or 12th. On your computer do you see me for that term?
- Try using iwebtools or something to track or change your Google settings so it does not save.

Anyways i build these website up then i hope to rank after about a month. I created the website 1/28/2010
- White hat will take you longer than a month to rank well.

Now the website is almost fully ranked. And google is finding new links daily.

But how many links will it take for me to be number 1 for killer ab workout without moving around to much? 200-300 quality backlinks is what im thinking.
- It's not a matter of quantity but rather quality of relevant links.

Whatever help youi can make would be great.
- Take your time to learn SEO the right way and the traffic will come.
+ rep for the Gesture.

Where are all the Noobz now??

Since you say Blue Hat, I am assuming you are doing all Organic or mostly so. 60 K per month from organic is great numbers.. My Respect...
Yea man all organic, interesting focusing on developing that prior to the paid traffic route. Most start with the converse to get to that point.
So im trying to index webpages into google so i get adsense clicks and have a base income. Then sell links on DP to make money. Is my strategy a good one?

I use onlywire, ping o matic, sitemap, to get index faster.

How come when im on my computer it shows me ranked for keywords, but when i go to best buy it doesnt.

I use blogger because its free, i have no coding skills, and my computer always gets fucked up lol.

Here is an example of one my website i make.
Weight Lifting

Very clean very simple. I followed nick stewart guide and it works a bit but very hard to rank for 5000+ search terms.

So tell me what do you think. Each webpage i make i try to get 30 backlinks too. I work hard to make sure that everything works well.

My goal here is to get more traffic then the content itself can linkbait and then i will drive more traffic thus getting me more money.

What do you think. Im targeting Killer ab workout for example. Im ranked 14th but somtimes i move up to 13 or 12th. On your computer do you see me for that term?

Anyways i build these website up then i hope to rank after about a month. I created the website 1/28/2010

Now the website is almost fully ranked. And google is finding new links daily.

But how many links will it take for me to be number 1 for killer ab workout without moving around to much? 200-300 quality backlinks is what im thinking.

Whatever help youi can make would be great.

Check out domain tools.
Use Google Free Adwords tool to choose a niche with a shit load of monthly traffic and average competitiveness.

Any ideas on how to assess how difficult it is going to be get traffic in a given niche? Or at least how to structure my thinking towards this problem?

My current niches are small and low competition and I chose them primarily to gain some experience. Next I want to choose a niche with enough potential to make this worth my while ( > $10k/month) but I also want to choose something where I can eventually be competitive.

"find a lawyer" -clearly big $, but good luck, top ten is mostly sites from the 90's and mostly pr6+. Can always go longer tail I guess....
My current niches are small and low competition and I chose them primarily to gain some experience. Next I want to choose a niche with enough potential to make this worth my while ( > $10k/month) but I also want to choose something where I can eventually be competitive.

I made this mistake years ago when I first got started. I chose a seemingly less competitive niche with low ball payouts etc.

Please, go big or go home. Find a Lawyer type of shit could work but you should probably have a J.D. (just saying). Think building a business where you sell direct to the source rather than get middled by the network. Every penny counts in this biz.
Any ideas on how to assess how difficult it is going to be get traffic in a given niche? Or at least how to structure my thinking towards this problem?

Forget the word difficult. If something is difficult it is probably worth your time to crack in this biz. It really depends on the structure of your method of driving traffic to be able to even forecast the difficulty in driving traffic in any niche. Different methods work in different niches. Test, Test, Test!
When approaching a niche how do you decide what path to take: affiliate, dropshipping, wholesaling, and how to make sure you setup your network correctly to correlate with these decisions.

(Tryin' to keep you busy, mofucka)