open carry laws

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New member
Jan 14, 2008
San Antonio, TX
Just saw a story on the news about a group that's trying to raise awareness of open carry laws in the US. Seems that many states have no laws prohibiting people from carrying a hand gun in the open.

The tie in was that the Supreme Court is suppose to be rendering a verdict this week on whether or not Washington D.C.'s law totally prohibiting hand guns is constitutional or not.

Oh, and the group's website ( - A Right Unexercised is a Right Lost! ) breaks the laws down by state, so you can see if it's legal for you to carry your side arm on your hip.

Anyway, after that last thread on carrying weapons, I figured you guys would love this group. :D

Jesus. What is this the wild west?

and lol @ their website with the chick with the holster. Yeah I feel safer already.
I reckon we don't like fellars that can't speak proper English, Harvey. You best head back to where you came.

*hovers hand over glock
I love my guns, it's a fact that every place that makes it easier for law bidding people to own fire arms and carry them,the crime rate goes down, seems criminals like it when they are the only ones with guns.
I own a safe full of them
Justice Antonin Scalia, writing for the majority in the landmark 5-to-4 decision, said the Constitution does not allow “the absolute prohibition of handguns held and used for self-defense in the home.” In so declaring, the majority found that a gun-control law in the nation’s capital went too far in making it nearly impossible to own a handgun.

But the court held that the individual right to possess a gun “for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home” is not unlimited. “It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose,” Justice Scalia wrote.

I'm glad to see Justice Scalia balanced the arguement. I'm happy with the decision.
I love my guns, it's a fact that every place that makes it easier for law bidding people to own fire arms and carry them,the crime rate goes down, seems criminals like it when they are the only ones with guns.
I own a safe full of them

:bowdown: Guns and awesome chicks. You've just clinched the 2008 New Member of The Year award (You're forgiven for the lame attempts at posting jokes)

:2gunsfiring_v1: :ak::2gunsfiring_v1::ak::2gunsfiring_v1::ak:

Here's me and my gattling gun

and here's me and my AR-15

My house is NOT the place to break into, LMAO
I love my guns, it's a fact that every place that makes it easier for law bidding people to own fire arms and carry them,the crime rate goes down, seems criminals like it when they are the only ones with guns.
I own a safe full of them

Within your country. Not comparing countries.
I'm glad to see Justice Scalia balanced the arguement. I'm happy with the decision.

It's really sad to see such such a basic right being challenged like this and 4 to 5, that is just fucked up.

"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

But the court held that the individual right to possess a gun “for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home” is not unlimited. “It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose,” Justice Scalia wrote.

Self defense? That is not even the purpose of the second amendment. The whole purpose of bearing arms is so that the people can overthrow the government if need be. The government should be afraid of its people, not the other way around.

"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government"
-- Thomas Jefferson, 1 Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

This is such a bullshit decision on other levels also. The court ruled that it can make you get a license to own a gun. So now this implies that the government can force you to get a license for any RIGHT. So what, are we going to have to apply for a license to exercise free speech. We gained ground for the second amendment and lost ground for every other right.
Of course, you try to overthrow the government in its current state, you'll be branded as as terrorist instantly, and shipped off to Gitmo... so the 2nd Amendment is outdated simply by the fact that the US Government's militia is easily powerful enough to suppress the US populace, even with defections.

It's not even an issue of force majuere...

Cut off FOX and Schlitz long enough, and people will be howling to have the current Govt remain in power :D

Sadly, it's probably the same down under.
Sure, our army would have difficulty holding a city, but our population is so lazy, the closest we could come to armed resistance of the Govt is outsourcing for some Indian and Pakistani radicals.
Of course, you try to overthrow the government in its current state, you'll be branded as as terrorist instantly, and shipped off to Gitmo... so the 2nd Amendment is outdated simply by the fact that the US Government's militia is easily powerful enough to suppress the US populace, even with defections.

It's not even an issue of force majuere...

Cut off FOX and Schlitz long enough, and people will be howling to have the current Govt remain in power :D

Sadly, it's probably the same down under.
Sure, our army would have difficulty holding a city, but our population is so lazy, the closest we could come to armed resistance of the Govt is outsourcing for some Indian and Pakistani radicals.

What a surprise. Now you're a fucking expert on the US Militia and Constitution. Damn, you know everything!

It's funny how idiots like you say "The US militia would crush any uprising" but you're the same type of dipshit that'd say the US can't win in Iraq.

That Fox/Schlitz comment shows what a cluless douchebag troll you really are. You are, by far, the most prolific trolling bullshit artist I have ever seen. Leave it to a trolling fuck like you to try to stir up an all out political brawl in this thread, you fucking dick.

Do you have some type of disease that make it impossible for you to NOT post in every fucking thread that you view, no matter how little you know about the subject of the thread? Bullshitartistitis maybe?

Every post you make reminds me of the quote "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.". You've definitely removed all doubt.

What's your record today? I mean you can usually crank out your crap at the rate of about a post every minute or two, how'd you do today? How many bullshit-laden posts are you up to now daily, across all of the forums that you troll, 75? 100? You know, if you cranked out adsense pages like you do posts, you'd be a fucking millionaire.

And that new sig of yours, your retaliation for my hurting your wittle feewings in my spot-on post about your bullshitting ways. It's not about me caring how you waste your time (although I do wish you wasted it someplace else), it's about the bullshit you post that may cost newbies time and money before they realize that you were full of shit.

Goddamit I can't believe I just gave that trolling fuck all of this troll food. Fucking assbag pole smoking piece of shit motherfucker.

It's really sad to see such such a basic right being challenged like this and 4 to 5, that is just fucked up.

"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

Self defense? That is not even the purpose of the second amendment. The whole purpose of bearing arms is so that the people can overthrow the government if need be. The government should be afraid of its people, not the other way around.

"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government"
-- Thomas Jefferson, 1 Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

This is such a bullshit decision on other levels also. The court ruled that it can make you get a license to own a gun. So now this implies that the government can force you to get a license for any RIGHT. So what, are we going to have to apply for a license to exercise free speech. We gained ground for the second amendment and lost ground for every other right.

Most of my guns are registered already so I have no problem getting a permit, I have a carry permit already for california, the problem that is big inn my mind is people aren't getting proper training before getting their first gun, then they have kids and think they are too young to use them to they hide them from the kids, I trained my daughter, she got a marksmanship ribbon for the pistol in navy boot camp, it was the smallest pistol she had ever shot, I trained her on the S&W 40 and the 1911-a colt 45, wait till they let her shoot the M-16, she'll get sharpshooter at least
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