Oook, so I've decided to do some freelance work


New member
Jul 26, 2008
London, UK
I'm looking for some extra cash, and given that my big moneymakers are still incubating, I'm reaching out wherever I can.

I've been coding and designing for around 15 years. I do both front end and back end and specialise in .Net (C#) and node.js on the back end and any standard front end technology. I am also well versed in cloud deployment, scaling, database design and administration and other general issues of the web, not to mention having observed, followed and studied the general internet/affiliate marketing worlds with great interest for quite a few years, even if my general projects have kept me from participating too heavily.

I have a few design samples up at Dribbble - Nathan Ridley (not really sales-related). I have also seen multiple end-to-end products built through to completion, particular in the realms of server-based automation, web scraping and so forth.

What do you need? Banner design? Landing pages? Your HTML fixed? Some automated processes put in place to help your workflow? A website built? Hit me up and I'll see what I can do.

Guaranteed certified native English speaker, lover of code, hard working pixel-pushing perfectionist and hater of both poor spelling and bad grammar.

p.s. Would have posted some boobs to sweeten the offer, but I'm at work and they tend to frown on that sort of thing here. Sorry bout that...

You know anything about machine learning algorithms? And even better if you have some MDX knowledge to go along with it.

If you know your stuff, I pay generously.
Hi Nathan,

I may have some potential work for you every now and again when we're busy. Send me a PM with some Skype details and we can have a chat!

You know anything about machine learning algorithms? And even better if you have some MDX knowledge to go along with it.

If you know your stuff, I pay generously.

Can't bullshit you. I have a cursory knowledge of neural networks and genetic algorithms, but only from having played with them briefly a few years ago. I'm very interested in learning (I even bought a couple of books on the subject), but so far I just haven't gotten around to doing so, so I have no practical experience. I am happy to use this as an excuse to start, but can't promise any particular expertise at this stage.

Hi Nathan,

I may have some potential work for you every now and again when we're busy. Send me a PM with some Skype details and we can have a chat!


Will do!

Not a good reason to abuse the boobs icon

My apologies. Boobs, as promised by said icon.

You should talk to Cardine if you haven't already.
edit: I don't think he does contract work but given his background he might know some guys.

Definitely don't do contract work but I'm always open to talking machine learning as long as it isn't a one way conversation.
I'm looking for some extra cash, and given that my big moneymakers are still incubating, I'm reaching out wherever I can.

Thought I'd PM'd you a couple of days ago but not showing in my sent folder so may have dreamt it.

Please can you PM me an email address, I have a wordpress template I need modifying quite a bit.
