Online scams.. They're Pissin Me Off!


New member
Apr 29, 2010
[ame=]YouTube - Online Scams - Do They Exist? Learn What Works And What Doesn't[/ame]

Even more pro tips for 2011

[ame=]YouTube - Make Money Online 2011[/ame]
Sometimes I wish I was black so I could pitch black people. They don't trust whitey.

Kobe Bryant SEO

[ame=""]YouTube - Thanks for purchase Google SEO Magic Traffic Coleman[/ame]
LOL... Antonio Coleman... When I first started affiliate marketing over 3 years ago I was promoting his Google Seo ebook haha. Got a few sales learned a thing or two about affiliate marketing, quickly realized he was selling b.s and moved on. I still see his blog around nowadays and I must say he definetely comes at you with a different angle!

My guess is he is making monies from his black seo niche/persona
i was looking for something else to post but i found this one which is better...

[ame=""]YouTube - Niggers Piss Me Off!!![/ame]
I don't post much but I really feel like I have something to contribute to this thread:

[ame=]YouTube - Sittin On Tha Toilet[/ame]