Online data storage recommendations .

My partner uses iBackup quite often for high velocity storage. His nails have grown out so he seems to be happy with it.
I've been using Dropbox for awhile. Very easy to use and quick. I used the free version for awhile until I wanted to store backups of some software configurations in it.

It's just a folder on your desktop or wherever you want. You can selectively sync certain folders inside the Dropbox to different computers. Like for instance, I have a folder for ProxyFinder and MegaPinger not syncing on my personal computer because the files on the server change so often that it ads creates a huge cache file in AppData from DropBox keeping track of what files change on remote computers. However, I want them part of my DropBox so that it keeps tabs of their file changes on Dropbox's server.

It's great because of that so I also have my portable ThunderBird and XAMPP folders in it so I can access my E-mail or webserver testing configuration from any computer.
I recommend dropbox, I think it offers 1 gb storage space and when recommend friends they give you more space.