One of my VA's asked me for a reference for a new employer...


This is going to hurt
Apr 14, 2012
One of my VA's asked me for a reference for a new employer.
After reading the letter I warned her off it and pointed out the obvious.
Here's the letter from her so called prospective employer
So what do you guys think. Human trafficking or bait/fee scam?
Anyone seen anything similar?


Dear Applicant,

Thank you for the confirmation!

We have а offer from employer in the European Union, whо recruit for the position, that we have already wrote you before. The working conditions are standard for that position (in the United Kingdom). The salary is: 3463 British pounds/month. The transport costs will be one hundred percent secured.
Full details of the position that we have provided for you will get after accept the agreement.

In order for us to continue you will have to become our client. Please, read our conditions here - if you disagree with the our terms and conditions, please, click "Reply", then type at the subject "I disagree" and send the letter by pressing "Send".

What are our conditions?

We will start work in two directions:

1. Provide documents and everything you need to apply for the position above (in the United Kingdom).
2. We will make procedures so that you could obtain a permit (in Spain), which will provide you with the right to work in the European Union – “autonomo” workpermit. On the base of this work permit, visas are issued quickly and without difficulty.
We offer you to obtain the right to work as an independent performer/contractor because of the relatively simpler, but faster procedure. With this type of work permit the documents are submitted directly by the candidate. After eventually acquiring a legal status, except the fact that you could start working with a company through an independent contract, also you could have the right to develop your own small business, if you wish.

We will pay 100% of the expenses for documents preparation. Following the eventual issue of a work permit (in the usual way or an autonomo workpermit), if the plane tickets aren’t paid by the employer, will be paid by us. We will assist you for the initial accommodation and transport to your workplace.

In return, you will have to agree with our contacting the employer to receive a remuneration from them, which will not influence your future salary. You will be obliged to use our services if you decide to attract a member (s) of your family to join you with a dependent visa after you eventually begin to work.

And finally – you will be obliged to use our services once your leave to remain expires, which is usually in 2 years – i.e., the visa (stay) extension service. Of course – if you decide to return to your home country, you don’t owe us anything: we will not charge you for a new visa or a penalty.
The services will be priced at market value – they won’t be too high or too low (the visa extension service costs about 1,500 pounds but we would like to remind you that you will pay this amount once you have worked for two years for a monthly salary of about 3,000 - 4,000 pounds).

In case you agree with the form of co-operation we offer, we will immediately contact a specialised firm that works on work permit and visa documents and will pay any expenses for their preparation. In other words – in about a week, you will have work permit documents ready, which you will later submit with the relevant authority immediately.

Not sure. A friend of mine recruits non nationals for blue chip companies and has to do most of the above. The applicants do have to become a 'client' or similar for visa and paye reasons. (not totally sure why)

I'll pass this on to him to see what his thoughts are?
She's a PH VA.
Basic skill set.
Job offer is £3463 / $5000+ per month.
All travel expenses paid.
No website to view.
No contact details for the employer.
What's the job? Where's she coming from? £3000-£4000 is pretty high for a lot of positions unless you're performing some specialized technical work or are in management. Middleweight design jobs, for instance, typically start in the £25k range.

edit: I see you posted up some more info. No website to view? That is rather suspect. How did she find these people, or vice versa? She must know what the job is exactly? Who's she meant to be going to work for? If they can't provide that info, then I say bullshit.
I'm guessing they're in a third world country, and not highly skilled? Almost guaranteed scam. But if your VA wants to make some money, they could probably get a reward for snitching.
She's a PH VA.
Basic skill set.
Job offer is £3463 / $5000+ per month.
All travel expenses paid.
No website to view.
No contact details for the employer.

I would contact this company myself if I were you, don't wait! This person's life might be at stake. She doesn't appear to have the sense to see through this right now.

You might be saving her a life of sex slavery. They wouldn't bother doing this if they were going to kill her when she arrives. First thing that's going to happen is her handlers will take her passport and they'll put her to work on a unpayable debt.

Get the e-mail she's communicating with, first thing - google the domain, do some google fu/reverse searches on the domain/ips.

Communicate with the company directly, don't mention her specifically. tell them you're contacting them on behalf of one of their prospective employee. Get a phone number for them, find out their address at the very least. If they're not willing to give out their address on the phone it's for sure a scam.

Once you do some leg work, and find that everything is still as fishy as you say, report it. She sounds like she's been good to you, it's time to go all the way with this on your side because that would be an awful regret if she falls off the radar after being 'hired'.

If you believe you are the victim of a trafficking situation or may have information about a potential trafficking situation, call the National Human Trafficking Resource Center (NHTRC) at 1-888-373-7888. NHTRC is a national, toll-free hotline, with specialists available to answer calls from anywhere in the country, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, every day of the year related to potential trafficking victims, suspicious behaviors, and/or locations where trafficking is suspected to occur. You can also submit a tip to the NHTRC -Source
I explained the elements of the email that made it suspicious.
I'm comfortable after speaking with her she's got the sense to stay away.
If I have some spare time tonight I'll start a "scam bait" see what I can find out.
Absolutely 100% not genuine. Source: UK person with a brain cell.

With regards to it being human trafficking, it is not unlikely.

Really though, companies don't pay full relocation fees + like $6000 USD/month salary for an uneducated office worker from PH.

EDIT: Wouldn't worry about pulling a James Bond like suggested above. Just forward what you currently have to the authorities, and let them handle it. They're better at this stuff than you.
I explained the elements of the email that made it suspicious.
I'm comfortable after speaking with her she's got the sense to stay away.
If I have some spare time tonight I'll start a "scam bait" see what I can find out.

InB4 op gets lured away.