On Page Factors

Website structure, Clean and easy to navigate. Short logical URLs you don't want them big and hard to remember. try to limit the java used on your site.

Content is King, have great quality content optimized for your keywords, Panda has show that Google wants to see quality content not copy written work. Keywords in your content is key but don't just spam them.

Proper Tags, Header tags, Meta tags use them and use them well. Use your keywords, don't add everything and anything.

Speed of the site, Compress what you can to make your site load faster while limiting flash, optimize your images to load fast as well using png files as opposed to JPEGs in CSS.
Each page should target between two and four keywords directly related to the contents. If you feel the need for more keywords then consider splitting your content http://www.abcseo.com/seo-book/content-management-systems.htminto separate pages. The URL should contain keywords, separated by hyphens without being too long, around 128 characters is probably a sensible upper limit for the entire URL. The Title tag should contain the keywords with no stop words but arranged to make sense.
There is evidence that search engines give more weight to factors higher up the page. The content should be properly structured with the use of Heading (H1, H2, H3 etc) tags containing relevant keywords. Search-engines will only index a limited amount of text in HTML tags and using too many keywords will dilute the focus. Don't spam any of these tags, this won't be effective and could result in a penalty.
Write natural copy aimed at the end user and not search engines. Don't worry too much about keyword densityhttp://www.abcseo.com/seo-book/keyword-density.htm for the contents but take the opportunity to include keywords combined in different phrases and orders and create anchor text to related internal pages. Keep the number of links to fewer than 50, and probably less and don't repeat identical outbound-links. Theme related pages should be at the same level in the site hierarchy and be linked through the site's menu structure and site map. At least one page at the same level should link back to the home page so that search engines that have traversed a deep-link can index the rest of the website.
Hope it helped.
On page means you have to optimize the website with code, title, description, content, keywords, url, canonical, HTML validation, sitemap, robots.txt, google webmaster tool...

add to this list h1 tags, Alt tags, lsi keywords, no-follow certain external links, no index certain pages, permalink structure, internal linking, page load, rel=author ...and the list goes on
and please dont clutter that shit with ads.

Lmao. Yea, pretty much what everyone else said. One thing to keep in mind is even though you want to make sure your making it easy for the search engines, you want it to still be readable by humans. Try to get a good blend that's good for both search engines, AND humans.
Lmao. Yea, pretty much what everyone else said. One thing to keep in mind is even though you want to make sure your making it easy for the search engines, you want it to still be readable by humans. Try to get a good blend that's good for both search engines, AND humans.

There is a fine balance between SEO for Google and readability for humans. If I were to choose, I would opt for ....

HUMANS.....they read and they "buy" so design it for them.
What about including associated words? I've read that they can be as important as the keywords/keyword phrases. I guess that's to differentiate between content written exclusively for humans and a "keyword article" designed for SEO.
why was this question even answered...use the SEARCH function of the site, and google it, and RRFM dude - basic concept.
On page means you have to optimize the website with code, title, description, content, keywords, url, canonical, HTML validation, sitemap, robots.txt, google webmaster tool...

add to this list h1 tags, Alt tags, lsi keywords, no-follow certain external links, no index certain pages, permalink structure, internal linking, page load, rel=author ...and the list goes on

add this to the list:

If using javascript eg for nav menu, make sure the bots can see all links. Use clever css
Website structure, Clean and easy to navigate. Short logical URLs you don't want them big and hard to remember. try to limit the java used on your site.

Content is King, have great quality content optimized for your keywords, Panda has show that Google wants to see quality content not copy written work. Keywords in your content is key but don't just spam them.

Proper Tags, Header tags, Meta tags use them and use them well. Use your keywords, don't add everything and anything.

Speed of the site, Compress what you can to make your site load faster while limiting flash, optimize your images to load fast as well using png files as opposed to JPEGs in CSS.

Should be limit Javascript I think...just sayin.
Website structure, Clean and easy to navigate. Short logical URLs you don't want them big and hard to remember. try to limit the java used on your site.

Content is King, have great quality content optimized for your keywords, Panda has show that Google wants to see quality content not copy written work. Keywords in your content is key but don't just spam them.

Proper Tags, Header tags, Meta tags use them and use them well. Use your keywords, don't add everything and anything.

Speed of the site, Compress what you can to make your site load faster while limiting flash, optimize your images to load fast as well using png files as opposed to JPEGs in CSS.

follow what bizzoyce said..I think..its good and best enough