OMFG - is this girl serious ?

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Thats fucking hysterical.

It reminds me of 419eater video though. Its like someone gave some Russian chick some scripts and $20 and said make all these videos.
LOL, I love when she say's Over here ! and then the link appears !

Edit : This is much smarter than I thought, they redirect direct to ClickBank hop ! WOW.
What is the world coming to?
We got some competition from these guys!
Must say, Lame but Brilliant idea!
That is fucking hilarious. Check out the other videos she has done, they are exactly the same. "Well, I have one, just click the link over here".
I think I need to create an entire website around this shit, and get it to go viral. Now the question comes, how can I get a computer voice sounding like her so we can just make her say whatever we want, followed by "Well, I have one. Just click the link over here". Make your own Mehta on crack, I tell you...

Holy shit! Brilliant! This is the worst/best I have ever seen, I like the arm point, very per-fessional
You could do it as a cartoon with this: Talking Avatar Demo - How To Make Speaking Characters
Get it to say REALLY bizarre shit as part of it, put it up on a site like CollegeHumour.

No, seriously, this has got me thinking.
People love stuff that takes the piss on really poorly done shit like this.
Start out with your cartoon talking head pimping your affiliate links. People will go to them to see if they're real (like how people went to after hearing ads for it on the radio in GTA3). Just to make it not an obvious piece of spam, you just get her to say weirder and weirder shit.

Kinda like Olmec and the Hidden G Spot...
I love how she looks down to read the script when she says the same thing ever time except changes one word
Wow, it's such a great idea. Make something so crappy that it forces stupid people to click the links (like the people on wickedfire).
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