old forgotten blog still ranking


Sep 4, 2007
Back in late 2000's I built a ton of blogs, lots of em on freehosts. The vast majority of these were complete crap and were deindexed long ago. However, there were a few I wrote custom posts for rather than my usual scraping/automated garbage.

One of those, this particular one I built on blogger in 2008, made like 4 or 5 custom posts on, got some links to it and completely forgot about for years. A few minutes ago I was doing some reading and remembered it, decided to check it and see what became of it.

Turns out this blog ended up ranking. It's now PR3 and holds the #2 spot for it's keyword just below wikipedia. Had a handful of real user comments too. Not bad for something I forgot about for 5 years.

Time to go find my login info and grab some free links.

Just felt like sharing this. Feels really good to see that not all my old stuff got destroyed by the big G's various animals. Probably the reason this one survived was because it was a stand-alone and I didn't link it to any of my spam blog networks back in the day. I know it's not much, but it put a smile on my face. :)