Offshore banking???

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I like big jugs
Nov 28, 2006
in a house ...
Anyone use offshore services? I have an offshore company in Gibraltar & one in the UK. I have a great patient accountant who knows all the tricks, if anyone is interested then let me know I will put you in touch with him.

I still have not got everything fully organised but thats because I am crap with paperwork!

I was researching offshore banking for a while. Still not earning enough to justify it, but definitively interested. Any reference you could give us on banks?
What about offshore hosting, are you using any?

Anyone use offshore services? I have an offshore company in Gibraltar & one in the UK. I have a great patient accountant who knows all the tricks, if anyone is interested then let me know I will put you in touch with him.

I still have not got everything fully organised but thats because I am crap with paperwork!
I have one in Antigua . Lookup Barrington Bank they are very good. Ask to speak with beverly she will help you get setup.
The bank I have has no minimum amount however if you want to have a visa card you need to set aside 9,000 euros

Thanks Photoads!
You saying that there is no minimum amount needed in order to have an account. What about setting up an account? How much will your bank charge me as a fee? Which 'tax advantages' you have because of your offshore bank? :)
I do not recommend setting up offshore bank accounts unless you intent to form a company around it an run it legally with full declaration to your government.

There are hundreds of companies / individuals who claim to be able to set up offshore / anonymous accounts but you will find that in 99% of cases they can be traced and you end up in very serious trouble.
PT Shamrock's Guide to Protecting Wealth and Privacy shuold give you some good info. However if you're really making enough to warrant off-shoring get a qualified attorney that understands the laws of your country. Last thing you want is to set it up wrong and have it come back and bite you in the ass. Typically if you get caught 2-3 years down the road you're going to have to pay 100% of what you earned with all penalties and fees.

However an tax attorney can tell you your risk reward scenario cause they fight those kind of case for their clients all the time.
Sparkasse Bank of Malta had to deposit 500 euro for the account. Maverick is correct you have to have a company formed, and there is more to it than you think.
If your thinking of using offshore to money lander or for tax avoidance I would seriously suggest you try something completely different. You will find the government use one word "terrorism" and every bank hands over your details in seconds.

It is possible to buy a banking licence for around $50k and set up your own system (around another $250k) in eastern Europe but that's just stupid :)
ok, i am working in a bank.

all i can and want to tell you about off-shore banking is, that you have to understand that after 9/11 there is no privacy at all as it once used to be.

every off-shore bank has to have a correspondence bank in order to be able to settle international payments. these payments are settled via a payment network called s.w.i.f.t. after 9/11 s.w.i.f.t. requires you to provide proper documentation with every transaction. this goes as far as that your offshore bank has to fax the detailed documents prior to their correspondence bank in order to get acceptance to settle the transfer via swift. ultimately, you have to provide these documents prior to your bank.

if you can't provide these documents or if there is doubt about the correctness, your assets will be frozen. no offshore bank is risking to lose their correspondence bank connection because of your couple thousand dollars.

s.w.i.f.t. again is reporting the money movements to all governments and ultimately the tax institutions.

so, as someone said: forget about it. offshore banking is cool for tax evasion if you build a more or less complex offshore business structure beforehand. this requires however quite some knowledge and eypertise.

to think that simply having an offshore account is sufficient to avoid taxation is however very very naive and would get you in big trouble.
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