Offline / Online business idea


Asshats for sale.
Oct 29, 2008
Here’s an idea for an offline -> online business I’ve been meaning to start, but just haven’t had the time to get it off the ground so I thought I’d pass it along. Someone here ought to be able to put it to use…

Anyway, the idea is to put together a coupon site with offers geared toward new businesses. Stuff like domain registration, web hosting, and business/accounting/tax software offers immediately come to mind, but there are plenty of other offers with good payouts you could add to the mix.

Once you’ve rounded out a professional-looking site with useful offers, do mail drops to new business registrations in your state suggesting your site as a helpful resource for saving money as a startup. Aside from coupons and offers, you could also include some articles that new entrepreneurs would find useful. The better your articles, the more you can leverage them into traffic (and backlinks) from reputable sites and publications. Once you have some traffic rolling, you could also add a paid directory of professionals (CPAs, attorneys, etc) that startups typically need.

I would definitely include a prominent opt-in form on the site so that people can subscribe for access to “exclusive offers” or other news/content via e-mail… and enable you to build some long-term value with a list.

The more you think about it, the more angles you’ll come up with…
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Sounds grand. Are those coupons all aff links for you? I've wanted to do coupon books offline for a while now.
A good idea. Most of these offline startups are too busy to explore or correctly use the internet. You could also offer simple services like helping them to claim their business on Google, Yahoo, Bing local . . .

I think it would be easy to entice them to the site.
You could also collect special offers, along with a fee for doing this, from the new businesses and send them out to new area home owners.